Garden of Gesthamme

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The rest of the day was uneventful as you ended up having to run from department, to get things done.

"Are sure you're okay, you don't have to treat us any differently?" Namjoon told you as you handed him his paperwork.  "Oh pardon me, we haven't been introduced properly, but as you know I'm Namjoon."

"Excuse me if I act strange but you are gods. Aren't we supposed to worship  you or something?" You spluttered incredulous, glossing over his introduction completely.

"No." He told you looking up from his work. "We didn't come down here as gods."

"Okay, but that somehow doesn't change anything", you mumbled, as you did your best not to roll your eyes

He smiled, bemused at your behaviour.
It was not everyday a mortal was surrounded by gods, you would have thought you would at least be a little more polite. You slumped down on one of  his seats. How did you get yourself tangled with weirdos like them? You were just an ordinary adult, living from paycheck to paycheck...

Distracted all of sudden you watched him do his work. Once again drawn in to his neck area. He had nice warm skin, that seemed to glow from within. You couldn't help but admit you fell for him when he smiled. His dimples were gorgeous and it was impossible to not be mesmerised by him as he worked.

"Don't you have a job to be doing?" He asked looking straight at you.

"I don't want to do it right at this moment."

You were surprised that you had said something so bold and immediately went to apologise, getting up to leave. He laughed and told you to stay. He certainly wasn't going to send you away, he decided that maybe he didn't mind your company.

"So you're the smart one?"

"Is it that obvious?" He teased.

You shrugged.

"Your mother is a human?" You asked carefully.

To your surprise, he didn't seem offended: "Yes she was, before she died she was a powerful sorceress, she knew everything and everyone despite the fact she was human. A human but had beauty to rival the gods."

"I see...but there are gods, as in they're many types of gods?"

He nodded: "Yeah, I am the god of humanity and wisdom."

"But if your mother was...then-?"
You asked, forgetting that your questions were invasive.

"I am just like my father. Dionysus's mother was a mortal. Fortunately Zeus, was his father, his blood completely eradicated his mother's blood allowing him to be fully god. A similar thing happened to me, both my grandfather and father's blood completely took over my body as an infant."

You never imagined that the Greeks would be right about the gods! You wondered what it meant for the other 3 main religions out there. This changed everything, all their holy scriptures had to be completely wrong now right? Then again you didn't want think about the complications and it wasn't for you to reveal the truth.

"Are you Reading my mind?" You asked curious.

He turned to look at you, you could tell this time he wasn't making fun of you, his eyes scanned your face as if confirming something with himself. After several seconds of silence he smiled, a fleeting expression of interest crossed his face.

"You're not allowing me. Somehow." He told you simply
"It's not an easy feat to keep gods out of your mind."

You only managed to hide out for half an hour before Namjoon's phone started ringing on his desk, he picked it up and smiled sadly at you, letting you know Jin was summoning you. You were in deep shit now. It was only fair you disappeared on your boss , you were thankful to Namjoon, as he hadn't ratted you out. A few minutes later you slinked into the office guilty biting your lips.

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