Until Death Do Us Apart

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The air was heavy

But it was weirder this time, the same way the air was heavy before a storm or any other natural disaster, this was it felt like before a tsunami made landfall. No one rushed to speak. What was we there to say? Everything that had to be said was laid out in the silence, it didn't need to be disturbed by the rattle of the voice box.

When he spoke again it was measured, like he was following the steady meter of a poem, having the same momentum as the laboured steps of workers.

"I can't decide if in your eyes are the fires of determination or the sweltering fire of hell, in human life, there are people who exist like a bookmark to events in people's lives. One minute those people are there the next minute they fade away like lines of smoke from a dying flame." He paused "...but you? You remain unseen, you are the frame to their life, they may never see or notice you but you add splendour that is seldom appreciated by the masterpiece that you contain."

He stopped pushing himself off the bed

"You are the constant, a never-ending unchanging force, destruction is not your design but it is, unfortunately, a consequence of what you represent—"

"No, it's not." Your voice rang like a church bell at midday, clear and self-assured.
"I destroy but I also create."

You weren't sure what type of goddess you once were but you were sure of what type of goddess you hoped to become.

"In my eyes, flames of passion and determination are burning...you may continue to pray to me and I'll continue to answer your prayers"

The blasphemous gospel he had stolen from Zeus library a very long time ago, slithered into the crevices of his mind. He decided maybe he would have finger through worn and tired pages once more to be able to decipher who you were right now. You had been a mystery from the beginning, but the mystery that hung over you now was less malicious but more like the romantic awe that human being reserved for religion and their gods. Namjoon finally understood the true concept of religion, the yearning for an all-encompassing answer. That was satisfying and gratifying, that sat heavily like warm soup in a person's stomach.

You were so beautiful, watching eyes that tore through the darkness and lips that rose easily into a smile and skin of woven brown gold. Jin was certain to make "that" mistake again, this time (maybe) you would be strong enough to rectify it. You would incur the might of Zeus.

"You and Jin were a beautiful married pair, even if I didn't approve it at the time"

With that Namjoon left quietly leaving you stunned

Till death do us apart.


You could hear rain drum steadily, against the glass, you watched droplets race one another, the rain brought a cold emptiness that needed to be desperately filled. The constant rush of rain that sounded like applause brought you back to when a year ago you broke up with your boyfriend. It was a day exactly like this. You had told yourself you had forgotten him, but truly he lingered at the back of your mind like a bad smell. His family had taken you in in your teenage years when you both started dating.

You realised now that you didn't love him at all, he was just a constant that steadied you in the world that seemed to slip under your feet, the world that was changing, but he was there as predictable as ever until he wasn't.

Simple things, like bread, tend to go stale and heavy on the tongue. You had been arguing with him that day, something about him cheating, he was with another girl- or maybe you saw them kissing. It didn't matter really. It was just at some point he had told you something that hardened you like stone.

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