Chp 1 : First Day of Senior Year

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"Good morning everyone.", the teacher said.

"Good morning.", the class said in a chorus.

"Welcome back. Now you all are in your senior year and I hope to see all of you passing out with flying colours. I am  your class teacher and my name is Ms. Ku Min Hyun. Good luck and have a nice day!"

"Thank you Ms. Min Hyun.", the class said.

The teacher left the classroom and everbody started talking among themselves.

"Hey isn't that Kim Taehyung?"

"Yea yea it's him. He is in our class. What a blessing!"

"How are we supposed to focus on our studies when a boy like him is in our class?"

"Oh my God he is so hot, just look at him!!!"

A group of students were looking at a tall, dark haired, handsome guy sitting by the window reading a book. Kim Taehyung is the so called heart-throb of the school because of his visuals and also he always comes first in class.

"What do you even see in him that you people are behaving like this? I mean he is just a douchebag who is just mean."

Cho Hee shrugged while coming to the group. The students glanced at her like she had just murdered Kim Taehyung.

"Are you out of your mind Cho? Or are you blind?" Lee Seok said and everybody agreed with him.

Cho saw Taehyung smirk, but she didn't care. But she didn't know what was coming her way later that day.

Soon the bell rang and it was time for their first class which was English. The english teacher started reading the story of 'Romeo and Juliet' and explaining the style of writing of William Shakespeare. Kim Taehyung though attentive, didn't seem to quite agree with Shakespeare's point of view. But he didn't bother argue with the teacher when the teacher asked them if they had anything to say. Bell rang and their first class got over.

Cho hadn't got enough sleep last night so she was feeling a bit drowsy. She got up from her seat and went to the washroom to splash some water on her face. After drying her face she was going to come out of the bathroom when she heard someone call.

"Hey you."

Cho turned.

It was Kim Taehyung

"What the fuck does this jerk want?" She thought.

Taehyung walked up to her, close enough to make any other student faint there but Cho was still.

Taehyung raised his eyebrow being a bit shocked of how Cho didn't even flinch.

"Better be careful when you talk about me. You can be in trouble if I get angry by your words."

"I am not scared of you PSYCHO!" Cho shouted behind him while he was already walking away.

Taehyung just turned his head and smirked at her and went away.

"Him and his attitude. Who the fuck does he think he is? Makes me wanna punc-"
Cho's thought was interupted by the bell.

She went back to her classroom and sat on her place ready for the next class.

                                          to be continued..

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