Chp 12 : Hangover

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Next day.

Jungkook was sat up on his bed. His hair all messy. He tries to open his eyes, but the sunlight in the room is too much for his eyes. Some how he squints his eyes open and looks at his phone.


"Was I sleeping that late?" He thought.

"Ahhh my head feels so heavy!!!" He gets up groaning and goes to the bathroom in his room. He stands in front of the huge mirror over the basin and looks at him.

His eyes widen as if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh my God!!!!" He shouts grabbing his head.

"OH MY GOD!!" He seems himself wearing yesterday's clothes which reminds him the things he had done yesterday at Taehyung's house.

He remembers going to buy drinks and then drinking like 2 bottles? No 3 bottles of beer.

Then he remembers coming down the stairs of Taehyung's house with him and going to the car.

"Wait... Shit!!! Did I really push Taehyung inside the car?? Oh my god why would you do that Jungkook???" He spoke to himself while hitting his head.

"What did he think of me? That I can't take three bottles of beer without getting high? Oh my god!"

"But wait.. what happened in the time between when I got drunk and when we got down the stair?" He thought.

"Why can't I recall? What did I do? Did something happen?? Oh my God!!"
He went out of the bathroom again speaking to himself.

"And today we have the project meet up too...ahhhh... I don't wanna face him!!!!"

Soon it was 4.30PM and it was time for him to go. But he decided to go half an hour late so that the others would be there too and he wouldn't have to face any questions.

He started at 5:00PM and reached Taehyung's house at 5.30PM.

He rang the bell and Taehyung opened the door.

"Hey!" Taehyung said letting him in.


"The girls will be late today. They went shopping." Taehyung said.

"What? Why? Why today?" Jungkook thought.


"So how's your headache?" Taehyung asked Jungkook when they reached his room.

"Oh yea..yea it's gone now."

"Well yesterday was fun." Taehyung said to tease him.

Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a shocked expression.

"Did- did something happen.. yesterday?" Jungkook asked in a nervous tone.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked as if he didn't understand what he meant.

"I mean- I mean- Did we-" Jungkook started saying but Taehyung cut him off.

"Oh no." Taehyung said looking at Jungkook who immediately regretted his question and was looking down.

A silence moment passed between them until Taehyung spoke.

"Would you regret it if something would have happened?" Taehyung asked looking at Jungkook who was also looking at him.

Jungkook immediately felt heat rushing in his cheeks but he controlled it not letting the other now.

But Jungkook didn't had to answer the question as the bell rang indicating Cho and Mi Su's arrival.

They all worked on for the whole evening and then the three of them left together at night.

The next week passed by quickly and soon it was the third weekend of February.

On Friday while working on their project, Jungkook suggested that the four of them should go out somewhere since it had been almost a month and he didn't go out with any of them. So it was decided that they would skip their project work for a day and go to the Amusement park next day.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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