Chp 16 : Trouble

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Taehyung reached the baseball practice court shortly after Jungkook. He sat far away from the field so that Jungkook couldn't see him. He noticed Jungkook come out of the changing room and enter the field area. Taehyung also noticed five to six new players whom he hadn't seen last time.

They all took their positions in the field. He saw one of the new guys come up to Jungkook and say something while Jungkook kept his head down. The match started.

At first Jungkook was in the fielding position where he did an amazing job of catching the ball no matter how high it was hit.

Then Jungkook was batting and to Taehyung's surprise he was not able to hit a single ball and all the three balls were strike and he was out. Taehyung thought maybe because he was hurt that's why he couldn't hit the balls. He again saw two boys coming up to him and patting him in the back after he was out. He thought to himself that it was really nice of the boys to encourage him after he was out.

After a while Jungkook was at the pitching position where he was again perfect and the batter couldn't hit a single ball and was out. Like this their first half of the match was over.

Taehyung thought of leaving seeing that there was not really any trouble and he thought that he was just overthinking. He thought maybe Jungkook was really just tired and nothing else. But he decided to meet Jungkook after his practice so he stayed.

Soon the break time was over and the players were in their position. This time the couch was not there with them. It was only the players. And this time Jungkook was the batter again.

Jungkook again missed the first two balls but he hit a homerun for his third ball. Few of the players came towards Jungkook and was talking to him. Taehyung was happy thinking that they were all praising him for being able to hit a homerun. But his happiness didn't last long. And what he saw made his blood boil. He immediately got up from his seat and started running towards the field.

He had seen the boys come up to Jungkook and then he saw one of them punching him hard in the face which made him fall on the ground. While running he saw Jungkook get up and hit the boys but the other boys kicked him in the stomach and again punched him. Jungkook was unable to fight the boys because he was already hurt and he was alone. Taehyung also saw the other three boys who were not near Jungkook leave the field.

Taehyung reaching near the boys pulled the boy away who was hitting Jungkook and punched him hard in the face while still holding his collar so that he wouldn't fall back and hit him again twice in the face making his nose bleed. The other boys were already trying to stop Taehyung from hitting him but Taehyung kicked that guy in his balls which made him fall wincing and turned around to fight the boys who were trying to hold him back. He had already started hitting and kicking the boys and dodging their punches too. From the corner of his eyes he saw Jungkook standing at a side, endless tears flowing down his cheeks and his eyes fixed on the ground below him.

Seeing Jungkook's tears made him more angry and he all alone hit all the five boys. It was like he had been struck by thunder and had gained more power than ever. He was like fire where Jungkook's tears acted as petrol to make the fire more fierce. After the fight was over the first guy who was hit by Taehyung got up and asked the other boys to leave. He too left the field as soon as possible giving one last glare at Taehyung and then at Jungkook.

Taehyung came towards the trembling Jungkook and was going to speak when Jungkook just threw him at Taehyung amd wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly. And he started crying even more. Taehyung hugged him back tightly too and it brought tears in his eyes to see him cry like that. Jungkook kept on crying and Taehyung tried to calm him down by patting his head which was on his chest. He could feel his shirt wet by Jungkook's tears. Then he pulled away from Jungkook and told him looking at his wet face.

"Let's go to the changing room and sit okay?"

Jungkook just stood their tears falling down his cheeks continously. Taehyung side hugged Jungkook and lead him to the changing room.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
This chapter is a bit long because I didn't want to continue the fight in the next chapter :)

I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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