Chp 37 : Presentation

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Tahyung and Jungkook were laying on the bed talking to each other when the bell rang indicating that Cho and Mi Su had arrived.

At first they sat together and went through their parts and just said it two to three times just to make sure they didn't mess it up the next day.

Then they decide how they were gonna stand, well they didn't really have to 'decide' on that because the two couples just stood beside each other. They themselves started laughing when they saw they were standing beside their significant other.

But then they thought that it would look a bit weird if they stood like that with two tall guys and then two girls. So they decided to stand in a different way. First Taehyung, then Mi Su, then Jungkook and then Cho.

They also practiced how they were going to hold up their charts and then move on to their demonstrations.

After all the laughs and cracking of jokes their faces got kind of pale when reality hit them and they realized that tomorrow was 'the day' they had been preparing for these three long months. They got serious and a bit panicky. They went through their lines over and over again praying that they don't forget while saying.

"Why are you panicking so much?" Jungkook stopped pacing around and asked Taehyung.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked.

"You are the first student. You have it all in your grip. Why worry?" Jungkook said.

"I am a human and I can forget too!" Taehyung said feeling attacked.

"Okay okay calm down tiger." Jungkook said giving a laugh.

The girls also laughed seeing Taehyung go red for no absolute reason.

After practicing the whole presentation a number of times they decided to stop and go home.

"Okay guys all the best for tomorrow and don't forget to take your individual charts with you." Spoken as a leader Taehyung gave them the last necessary instructions.

"Okay bye then." The girls left the room and Taehyung went to Jungkook and kissed him.

"I love you." Taehyung said.

"I love you too." Jungkook said and Taehyung left with the girls.

They all left Jungkook's house and Jungkook flopped himself on the bed thinking what was going to happen tomorrow.

Next day at school in their history class which was their last class of the day.

"Okay I hope that all the five groups are ready with their projects. I will call the groups one by one." Their history teacher said.

The first two groups went up, showed their projects and did their presentation. Though the first group had quite a good co-ordination but they didn't seem to be confident on what they were talking about. The second group's last member was talking and Taehyung's group was the next group to go up.

Taehyung, Jungkook, Cho and Mi Su stood up from their places, took their individual charts in their hands and waited for the second group to complete.

"Next group please come up." The teacher said.

Taehyung and Mi Su were confident but Jungkook and Cho were kinda losing their shit. They were breathing heavily. Taehyung noticed that.

"It's gonna be okay. Calm down you both. We have practiced a lot and we are gonna do good." Taehyung said and led them to the front of the class.

They stood as decided. Taehyung, then Mi Su, then Jungkook and then Cho.
They all introduced themselves starting from Taehyung. Then they all unrolled their charts at the same time and held them. The teacher came forward and examined their charts and if she had any questions about the chart she asked them. All of them were able to answer the questions the teacher asked.

Then the teacher asked them to start their presentation.

Taehyung started explained his chart first and then said his part of the presentation. After Taehyung, Mi Su started explaining her chart.

An idea popped up in Taehyung's head. He leaned a bit in front to see that the middle portions of their bodies were covered by the charts. So he slowly moved his left hand to his back and then slowly reached through Mi Su's back to Jungkook's back. Since they were standing with no gap, it was not so far. Taehyung saw from the corner of his eyes that his hand had reached near Jungkook's butt. He slowly placed his hand on Jungkook's butt and squeezed his but cheeks, his expression unreadable.

Jungkook gasped silently by the sudden contact and his eyes widened thinking that they are standing in front of the whole class with their teacher sitting in front of them and Mi Su telling her part. Though Jungkook's cheeks had a shade of pink he kind of felt a little less nervous than he was feeling.

Mi Su completed her part and it was Jungkook's part. Taehyung removed his hand immediately and Jungkook started explaining his chart. Jungkook was himself shocked that he said his part so fluently without forgetting a single word or without tensing up while speaking. He ended his part and Cho also said her part without any trouble.

Cho ended her part and Taehyung spoke again.

"Our presentation has come to an end and we would like to sign off by thanking our classmates for patiently listening to us and also our teacher for being with us and guiding us throughout."

"Two three.. Thank you." Taehyung said, they bowed at three and said Thank you and went back to their places waiting for the other two grouos to complete so that they can know their results.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I had made these figures to show how they were standing but then decided to remove them from the story. But here is how they were standing at first:

O      O
/|\    /|\    O     O
|      |     /|\   /|\
/ \     / \     / \    / \
T     JK   Cho  Mi

And this is how they had finally decided to stand:

O        O
/|\  O /|\  O
|   /|\  |  /|\
/ \  / \  / \  / \
T  Mi JK Cho

(I am so jobless)

Anyway thank you so much for 700+ reads.

I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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