Chp 17 : Confession

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Taehyung led Jungkook to the changing room and made him sit on one of the benches. He too sat beside him. He didn't want to ask any questions to Jungkook because he wanted him to take his time and open up to him whenever he felt like. He wrapped an arm around the still crying Jungkook and both of them sat their without speaking a word.

Minutes passed and it was Jungkook who broke the silence.

"How did you come here? Whe- where were you? I didn't see- see you coming." He said between sobs not looking at Taehyung.

"You being unmindful and coming to school with bruises and your excuses all of it wasn't quite appealing to me. And I guessed something was wrong, so I followed you here to see if everything was alright." Taehyung said.

Jungkook didn't say anything. Instead he just threw his arms around Taehyung and started crying harder. He hugged him tightly and said thank you with a trembling voice.

Taehyung, though startled by Jungkook's sudden hug and a thank you, he felt something in his stomach. He too hugged Jungkook tightly and patted his head. They stayed like that until Jungkook stopped crying.

"You don't have to thank me. I'll always be there when you need me." Taehyung said breaking the hug and looking at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked up at Taehyung with his puffy teary eyes and gave a soft smile. Even in this situation Taehyung couldn't stop admiring how beautiful Jungkook was looking. His hair messy, his nose and cheeks red due to the crying and his lips plumpy.

He looked into his eyes deeply and said in a low voice,

"I don't care if I regret this later."

He said this and leaned in towards Jungkook touching his lips with the other's. Jungkook's eyes widened when Taehyung's lips touched his. As soon as Taehyung felt his soft lips touch his own, his stomach did a saumerersalt.

Taehyung pulled away when he felt no response from the other, already regretting his action.

He was going to speak when Jungkook pulled Taehyung in by his collar and connected their lips. Jungkook was quick to wrap his hands around Taehyung's neck and pull him closer. Taehyung could feel his heartbeat faster than ever. He too grabbed Jungkook's waist and pulled him in deepening the kiss.

They continued the soft kiss for a long time until they had felt the warmth of both their lips on each other. They finally broke apart and to their surprise both of them broke into a small laugh.

"I didn't know that-" Taehyung started but got interrupted by Jungkook.

"That I am a good kisser?"

Taehyung chuckled and said,
"Yea that too and also I didn't know that you liked me."

"Who said anything about liking you?" Jungkook said furrowing his eyesbrows and giving a peculiar look to Taehyung.

After an awkward pause Jungkook broke into a laugh by seeing the confused and scared look on Taehyung's face and said,

"Geez Tae seriously? I was just kidding. I like you, I like you a lot."

"I like you too." Taehyung said giving a relieved smile and pulling Jungkook in for another slow and soft kiss.


Taehyung waited outside while Jungkook changed. When he came out Taehyung asked him if he wanted to eat something before heading home because both of them were hungry after the long day they had.

"So... Are you asking me out?" Jungkook said with a smirk.

"I am if you say yes." Taehyung said his eyes fixed on Jungkook.

"Then my answer is yes!"

This time Jungkook decided the place. They took a metro to the place.

They walked a little from the metro until Jungkook stopped in front of what seemed like a house but was actually a restaurant. The shop barely had customers and it was dimply lit with a old woman at the counter.

They both noticed that they like places that have less people and that are dimply lit. Because Taehyung had also taken Jungkook to a cafe which had less people and was cozy.

They sat around a table facing each other after they had ordered their food.
They were just admiring each other's beauty when they were interupted by the waiter who served them their hot bowls of ramen and kimchi.

Taehyung spoke first.
"You know right that you can talk to me about anything?" He paused and Jungkook nodded.

"Wanna talk about what happened on the field?" Taehyung asked.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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