Chp 22 : Dinner Table

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Taehyung and Jungkook went down to the dining space where Taehyung's mom was already there standing in front of the dinning table which was packed with food.

"Oh you both are here! Come come sit. Jungkook dear please sit." Mrs. Kim said.

"Thank you!" Jungkook said with a small bow and sat beside Taehyung.

Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting on one side of the long table while Mrs. Kim was sitting opposite them. Soon Mr. Kim approached the table. Jungkook immediately stood up from his seat and bowed at Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim bowed back.
"Please sit." He said gesturing Jungkook to take his seat and he too sat on his seat. Jungkook sat with another small bow.

"Nice to meet you. I heard from his mother that his friend is gonna join us for dinner." Mr. Kim said.

Jungkook just gave a bunny smile.

"At first I was kinda shocked. I mean Taehyung never had friends over dinner. You must know how unsocial my son is. So I was really startled." Mr. Kim said with a laugh.

"Appa! What are you doing?!" Taehyung whined trying to stop his father from embarrassing him.

"Ha ha it's ok. He's your friend. He probably knows these about you already. Don't you?" Mr. Kim said to Jungkook.

Jungkook nodded and laughed out looking at the embarrassed face of Taehyung.

"Wait what's your name? I forgot to ask you with the flow." Mr. Kim said.

"Jeon Jungkook, Sir."

"Okay- wait did you just say Jeon?" Mr. Kim asked.

"Yes Sir."

"By any chance are you Jeon Dae-hu's son?"

"Uh- yes Sir." Jungkook said looking confused.

Mr. Kim gave an shocked look at Mrs. Kim who returned the look.

Mrs. Kim knew his name was Jungkook, but didn't know it was 'Jeon' Jungkook.

"Oh my god!" Mr. Kim said a wide smile appearing on his face as well as Mrs. Kim's face.

Taehyung and Jungkook were looking at them trying to understand what was going on.

"Jungkook! I and your father just signed up for the biggest deal with Japan. Without him, it wouldn't have been possible." Mr. Kim finally broke the ice.

"Oh-so you both are business partners?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes! We have been planning this deal for years and finally when you all transferred to Seoul we cracked the deal. He is an amazing person Jungkook. He is also a very good friend of mine." Mr. Kim looking proud and excited at the same time.

"Wow our fathers know each other before us. I guess we're meant to be." Taehyung leaning towards Jungkook and whispered with a smirk.

"Tsk! Shut up." Jungkook whispered kinda flushed.

"So nice to meet Dae-hu's son." Mr. Kim said.

"Okay okay enough talk. Let's start eating now." Mrs. Kim said helped them take the food on their plates.

They all had dinner and kept on talking about Jungkook and how Taehyung and he became friends. Of course they didn't tell the excat "how" they became friends but just said that they were partners and eventually became friends.

Finally after dinner Jungkook and Taehyung went up to the later's room.

"Ah! I've got to complete this." Jungkook said dropping himself in front of the project work.

"I am helping you right? We'll complete it. Anyway not much is left." Taehyung said sitting beside Jungkook.

They kept on working non-stop and finally completed their work at 1.30am.
They just packed up the things and both of them flopped on the bed spreading their hands and legs, exhausted.

After laying like that for a few minutes Taehyung said.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Actually I was thinking the same thing. I need to clear my head." Jungkook replied.

"Okay then let's do that."

Taehyung got up and went near the tv. He called Jungkook and asked him to select a movie from the CD's in his drawer. Jungkook selected a film and put the CD in the player while Taehyung went back on the bed and sat under the blanket.

Taehyung held up the blanket and gestered Jungkook to get inside it. Jungkook crawled inside the blanket and dropped himself beside Taehyung. They sat with their backs resting on the head broad and blankets pulled up till their waists.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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