Chp 18 : Past

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Jungkook took a deep breath in and looked at Taehyung who was hoping Jungkook would open up to him.

"Okay. So the new boys you saw in the field today, there were from my old school in Busan." Jungkook said his voice kind of not steady.

Taehyung reached out his hand and placed it on Jungkook's nervous one across the table.

Jungkook nodded and continued.

"They were... uh..." Jungkook was gathering some courage to say what he was going to say because first of all he was scared and second he was thinking what Taehyung would think of him after he heard it.

"They were my bullies." Jungkook finally blurted out and immediately looked down to avoid eye contact with Taehyung and also to hide his tears.

After hearing what Jungkook said, Taehyung's blood heated up thinking he should have hit those boys more but he calmed down when he saw Jungkook looking down and tearing up. He obviously understood what Jungkook was thinking and immediately moved his chair closer to his.

"Hey hey look at me" Taehyung said softly lifting up Jungkook's face with his hand.

"Don't cry and don't feel ashamed of anything. Please. I am here for you no matter what." Taehyung said and leaned in to kiss his forehead before letting him continue.

"They bullied me because I didn't fight with the other students like they did but I tried to solve situations by talking and they called me weak for that. The teachers used to tell those boys to study and be like me and not fight with anyone and everyone. That also made them angry on me and they would hit me everytime any teacher would praise me. They also were a part of my baseball practice class and since I was a good player the coach always used to make me the captain." Jungkook paused to take some air because he was saying all this in a continuous flow to avoid breaking into tears.

"Now is it my fault that I am good at baseball? I even asked the coach not to make me the captain but he wouldn't listen to me. What was I supposed to do?" Jungkook broke into silent tears.

"No Kookie of course it's not your fault. And those boys didn't bully you because they thought you were weak. They bullied you because they couldn't be like you and that troubled them. You were just a person so better than them that they couldn't ever reach you so they tried to wreck you. But you won't let them do that will you?" Taehyung said consoling him. And he meant every single word he said. He knew how strong Jungkook was to still face them today without running away.

[Author's note: This is to my readers who might have face bullying or maybe are still facing bullying. Just know that your author is proud of who you are and just know you are strong. What Taehyung said is actually true and you should consider what he said. You all are special and beautiful. Don't be ashamed of who you are and love yourself ;) ]

Jungkook nodded.

"But I don't understand one thing. If they were in Busan what are they doing here?"

Jungkook started explaining what was actually going on.


It was the first Tuesday of the new month and they didn't have school because the teachers had some meeting.

Jungkook had gone to his practice in the evening as usual. He saw that there were only four players including him. Whereas his team had 9. He asked the other members what was going on and they said that the other five members were transferred to some other group and that five new members were to be added in their group. They also said that these new five members were from Busan and had been promoted to a better level baseball practice centre.

A slight fear rose in Jungkook when he heard that the boys were from Busan but he thought it could not possibly be "them". But his thought was proven wrong. The boys were really "them".

"Ha look it's Juggie. So the coach was right. He told you might be here." Lee Jukung said coming towards Jungkook with the other four boys.
Jungkook just stared at them but did not say anything.

"We thought it would be more fun to come here if you are here. You know what I mean right?" Lee Jukung said with a hysterical laugh.

Jungkook felt a thunder strick him from within. He was shook but he didn't show it. These were the boys who bullied him in his old school in Busan. He was kinda relieved after the transfer thinking he wouldn't have to face them anymore but they were here too.

Surprisingly they didn't do anything to him on that day but Jungkook knew it was just the silence before the storm.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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