Chp 24 : Morning Mist

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Jungkook opened his eyes and was confused for a second to see that it wasn't his bedroom. Then he looked at his side and saw Taehyung sleeping peaceful and recalled the night.

He took his phone from the side table and saw the time, 9:30A.M. He thought it was too early to get out of bed because he was a late riser.

He turned towards Taehyung and admired his baby face peeking from under the blanket and his lips in shape of a pout. Jungkook really was a wip for his duality. Well Jungkook knew that both of them had a duality which either of them couldn't control.

He moved closer to Taehyung and placed a kiss on his forehead. Then he placed a kiss on his eyes and then his nose. But nothing would wake him up. He felt he couldn't wait anymore to kiss him, so he kissed the sleeping boy on his pouting lips which made him let out a sleepy groan.

Taehyung shot his eyes open to see Jungkook smiling at him. He too smiled back and again felt Jungkook's lips brushing over his.

Jungkook kissed him deeply not letting Taehyung say whatever he was going to say and hovered over him. Taehyung was too drowsy to do anything so he didn't stop Jungkook. Waking up to Jungkook's kiss was like waking up from the fantasies and living it in real life.

Taehyung finally moved his hands to Jungkook's neck and kissed him back pulling him closer. He licked his lips asking for entry which Jungkook provided without any hesitation.

Taehyung's tongue overlapped Jungkook's, both of them savouring each other's mouth like it was the only thing they could taste. Both of them were fighting for dominance but to Jungkook's advantage he was on top and he gained dominance by pinning Taehyung to the bed. They shared a steamy kiss until Jungkook broke from the kiss and smirked at Taehyung.

Taehyung gave a confused looked but his confused looking changed to a soft one when he felt Jungkook dive down at his neck and move his lips at the crook of his neck. Taehyung let a soft groan by the sudden attack. Jungkook kept on working his lips over Tae's neck and then moved towards his ear bitting his ear lobe. Taehyung again let out a groan from the feeling of the bite and Jungkook's breath.

"Good morning Tae." Jungkook whispered in his ears which sent tingles down the other's spine and in no time Jungkook found himself pinned on the bed with Tae over him, his hair all messy.

Jungkook could see the heavy lided eyes of Taehyung looking at him with desperation. Taehyung thurshed his lips to the other's and his tongue made his way inside Jungkook's mouth. His tongue roaming in every part of his mouth. He softly bit Jungkook's lower lip letting a soft groan escape his mouth.

Taehyung kissed his lower lip and then his chin. He went down kissing his neck and back up to kiss his jaw line. He again went down now kissing his neck. Jungkook tilted his head with a lpw groan giving access to the other.

He kissed his neck and went back and captured Jungkook's lips again before finally breaking the kiss and looking at Jungkook right in the eye.

"Good morning babe." He said and pecked Jungkook one last time before dropping himself beside Jungkook.

They both didn't feel like getting up so they just hugged each other and layed there feeling each other's warmth in the coldness of the morning. After quite a few minutes they heard a knock on the door.

"Taehyung? Taehyung? Did you wake up? Taehyung?" Mrs. Kim's voice was heard.

"Yes omma!" Taehyung replied.

"You and Jungkook freshen up and come down for breakfast."


"Tsk" Jungkook sat up.


"I am bothering you people so much. First dinner and now breakfast. I should have left right after I woke up." Jungkook said looking a bit worried.

"Seriously?! You think my mom would let you go without having breakfast?"

"No I mean, I just don't want her to be all worked up because of me. She is always working anyway I didn't want to increase her work."

"So you are now only thinking about her? What about me? You mean you would have left without even telling me? Then who would wake me up with those sweet kisses?" Taehyung said pouting and moving closer to Jungkook.

"Aish. Okay okay stop it. Don't have to be such a baby." Jungkook said slightly pushing Taehyung. They both laughed and went to get fresh one by one.

to be continued...

Author's note:
Sorry guys for the late update. But I guess I am gonna update a little slow since my exams are coming and I  am a bit under pressure. But stick with me please :)

I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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