Chp 3 : Consequences

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Taehyung came in front of Cho's table and spoke in a cold voice, "Come with me."

Everybody at the table looked at each other in surprise.

Taehyung looked directly at Cho and said again in the same voice, "Come with me."

Cho stood up to face Taehyung better. She said looking at him, "And why should I?"

"I am saying that's why."

"I'm sorry but I am not your servant."

Taehyung grabed Cho's hand and was dragging her out of the cafeteria. Cho tried to losen his grip but he was too strong.

Cho kept on saying in curt tone, "Taehyung leave my hand."
"I am warning you Taehyung leave my fucking hand!"

Jungkook noticed but didn't do anything.


They were already out of the cafeteria and Cho noticed that Taehyung was dragging her to the music room on the right.

Taehyung pushed opened the music room door and pushed Cho inside. He went in too and slammed Cho to a wall.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Cho shouted.

Taehyung looked at her eyes and spoke in a very soft but deep voice, "Remeber baby I had warned you not to talk bad things about me? But you still did it. So you are going to be punished."

Taehyung looked at Cho's lips and leaned in, but Cho slapped him hard on his cheek. Taehyung was shocked.

Taehyung has been the bad boy who everybody fears but also falls for. But Taehyung has a reason behind being the kind of person he is. Whenever someone talks behind his back he gets very angry and as a revenge he does these things.

For instance one day something like this had happened and Taehyung had dragged the girl to an empty room and slammed her to the wall and had said the same thing.

" you'll be punished baby." Taehyung says and leans in and the girl without having any self control or self respect, falls in his trick and moves forward to kiss him.

Taehyung immediately pulls away and says, "Ahhh you all are the same. You people don't have any self respect. No self control. Don't you think you should've stopped me instead of getting in the act with me?"
"All of you are just sluts. And don't you have a boyfriend? Tsk can't believe it."

He says all this and leaves the room.

But this time, Cho was different. She revolted.

Cho was going to get out of the music room when Taehyung pulled her and raised his other hand and was going to pat her shoulder and apologize for what he did. But from nowhere he felt a hand grab his raised hand and push him on the ground.

Taehyung looked up to see,

"So this was the business you were to deal with? You were going to slap her?!"
Jungkook shouted.

"No I wasn'-"

"Shut up I saw you."

"Listen to me. It's not what you think. Cho I was going to-"

"How could you do this Taehyung?" Cho shouted back.

Cho rushed out of the room.

Jungkook just stood there looking at Taehyung who was still sitting on the ground trying to process what just happened.

Jungkook said, "I thought that maybe you were moody but I never thought you would do something like this."

                                         to be continued...

Author's note :
I don't own the picture, it is a picture from Google.

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