Chp 27 : Pleasant Walk

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Taehyung and Jungkook walked hand in hand. They decided to go to a lake.
They chose a lake where there wouldn't be any people and which was a bit far away from the city.

They walked through the roads of Seoul which lead to an area filled with trees. The sun was not that bright. They walked into the forest. The calm serenity of the forest, the pleasant sound of the rustling leaves, the chirping of the birds and a soft cold wind; all of it felt so surreal. The two boys walking hand in hand, occasionally looking at each other, they didn't need to talk, they just felt each other's peace mixed with the peace of the nature. And they just felt each of their hands connecting and saying a lot of things through silence.

Finally they reached the lake. It was beautiful. The sun rays glistening on the water, a cold breeze and a green field as the bay of the lake. Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the grass near and lake.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Taehyung asked looking at the lake.

"Not more than you." Jungkook said looking at Taehyung.

Taehyung looked at him and his cheeks got a tint of red from the compliment of the brunette.

They sat there in silence until Jungkook spoke.



"I wanna know something."

"What is it baby?"

"Why do you like me? I mean what made you like me?"

Taehyung smiled and remained silent for a while. Then he said,

"When you had first entered our classroom and our teacher was introducing you, I had felt something in my stomach. I didn't pay attention to it much then. But after a while I started growing an attraction towards you. The way you talked so politely with everyone, the way you were always there to help any of your friends, the way you were an angel, made my liking grow stronger. Because all of this was new to me. You were just like the opposite version of me, something I adore so much about you. I found a lost me in you. I guess they are right when they say that opposites attract." He ended with a chuckle looking down at the grass.

Taehyung got startled when Jungkook suddenly sat on his lap facing him. Jungkook immediately pressed his lips against the others, his hands on the side of Taehyung's face. He kissed him more deeply when he felt Taehyung's hands grip his waist, pulling him closer. They kissed for some time then Jungkook broke the kiss and looked at the other.

Jungkook spoke, his hands still on the side of Tae's cheeks.
"I feel complete when I am with you. Maybe I know you for just a few months, but it feels like I know you from a long time. It doesn't feel weird to tell you the things which I can't bring myself to tell anyone else. It's so weird but I always feel good when I am around you." He said and kissed Taehyung softly. This kiss meant everything to them. They didn't need to say anything else, both of them had said enough. And both of them knew that they wouldn't be strong as they are now if they didn't have each other.

They layed on the grass beside each other seeing the evening fall in and the sky slowly getting a yellow tint.

"I think we should start walking home now. Or else we won't reach before it gets dark." Taehyung said and they both got up and started walking again through the forest back to the busy roads of Seoul.

While walking Jungkook suddenly stopped and crunched down on the side of the road.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked turning around, confused.

Jungkook got up with a small white flower in hand and moved towards Taehyung with it.

"Flower flowe- flower flowerrrr!!" He kept on saying in a cute voice and his bunny smile moving the flower in front of Taehyung's eyes and giggled.

Taehyung got startled at first by suddenly seeing a flower so close to his eyes then laughed by seeing the cuteness of the brunette.

He took the flower from his hand and placed it behind Jungkook's ear and cooed at how cute the other was looking.

Jungkook furrowed his eyesbrows not quite liking the other seeing him like a baby and removed the flower from his ear and put it in Taehyung's t-shirt's pocket.

They both laughed not understanding what they were doing and continued walking home. They came in front of Jungkook's house and hugged.

"See you at school tomorrow." Taehyung said.

"Yup. Bye!" Jungkook said and went into his house.

Taehyung waved and also went to his own house.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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