Chp 4 : Regret

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Jungkook paused for a while, still looking at Taehyung.

He said,"I thought I found a friend in this new environment."

Taehyung was feeling something he had never felt before. He felt like vanishing away. He couldn't take the look on Jungkook's face. He didn't know why he was feeling like this, but he felt a pit in his stomach. He was looking at Jungkook as if he was going to lose something very important. But he had just met Jungkook a few hours ago. He didn't even talk to him properly. Why was he feeling like this?

All these thoughts were running through his mind at the same time and in fraction of seconds.

Jungkook let out a sigh and went out of the room.

But Taehyung just sat there looking at him go and all he could do was call out his name.


But Jungkook was already gone.

Taehyung got up on his feet. For the first time in his life he regretted something so much.

"Why did it have to be Jungkook? Why did Jungkook have to see me like this?", he thought.

Jungkook went back to the class and saw Cho sitting in the last bench with her head down. He went closer and realized she was crying. There were only a few students in the class as everybody was down in the cafeteria.

Jungkook took a chair and put it beside Cho's. He sat and patted Cho on the shoulder. Cho got startled at the sudden touch. She looked at Jungkook with teary eyes.

"Thank you for what you did back there.", Cho said.

"Please don't thank me. I was happy to save you from that bitter situation." Jungkook replied.

"I still can't believe Taehyung did that. I mean I know he is mean and rude but I never thought he would be like this." Cho said, now wipping her tears.

"I think you should go and freshen up a bit. We have our next class in 5 minutes." Jungkook said.

"Yea. You're right. Thanks." She said and went to the washroom.

Jungkook got back to his seat and was thinking about what happened moments ago. He still couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

The bell rang for the next and the last class of the day. Cho came in and sat in her seat. But Taehyung did not come back to the class.

Jungkook kinda felt a relief that he didn't show up for the class because he wouldn't have been able to tolerate Taehyung beside him for an hour.

Cho's friends kept asking her what had happened but she didn't answer. She just said that they had a small fight and nothing else. She didn't want to be attacked by a dozen of questions or sympathy. That's why she chose not to say anything.

Last bell rang indicating the end of school for the day.

Cho was the first one to leave the class so she didn't have to face more questions. Jungkook had to meet with Ms. Ku Min Hyun before leaving, because he was told to report his first day experience in the school.

Jungkook came out of the staff room, which was on the fifth floor, after meeting Ms. Min Hyun.

He had left his bag in his classroom in the third floor thinking he would take it while going down. He went into his classroom and was shocked to see..


                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I will publish the next chapter soon!

I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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