Chp 15 : Something Fishy

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After that day the month went by quickly with them being busy with their studies and projects and Jungkook doing his practices. Taehyung, Cho and Mi Su would sometimes after school go to watch Jungkook's practices.

On first Monday of the month when Jungkook was returning from his practice he stopped by a convinient store which was on his way home. He wanted to buy some snacks for himself. He was in the chocolate section when he heard someone call his name.


The said person turned and saw Taehyung standing there with a basket in hand. He too was shopping.

"Hey! Taehyung. I didn't expect you to be here."

"Why? Can't I come to a convenient store or what?"

"No I mean of course you can but it's just a bit weird to see you here shopping."

Taehyung had noticeably come close to Jungkook while he was speaking.

"Am I an alien? That it's weird to see me shopping?" Taehyung said leaning towards Jungkook and almost whispering in his ear which made Jungkook shiver from inside.

"Aish! I didn't mean that!" Jungkook said pushing Taehyung away which made both of them laugh.

"I just wanted to say that it is weird to see the first student of the school to do grocery shopping." Jungkook said while laughing.

"You and your logic." Taehyung said while flicking Jungkook's forhead.

"Ah! Why will you do that?" Jungkook shouted and was about to flick Taehyung too but he started running and Jungkook too started chasing him down the isles of the store. They kept on running behind each other until a sales woman scolded them for doing so. They bought whatever they needed and went out of the store still laughing about what they did inside.

They walked in two different directions after waving each other as the convenient store was between their houses.

On tuesday they had a holiday because the teachers had some meeting. So on Wednesday they went to school again. The four of them had their lunch together and they were laughing about something Cho had told them about how the teacher had almost caught Cho and Mi Su kissing but they acted as if nothing happened. But Jungkook seemed to be distracted. He was not quite listening to what they were talking about and was lost in his own thoughts. They asked what was wrong but he said that he was just tired and nothing else. But this continued the next day too and he just kept saying that he was tired.

On Friday, when Jungkook came to school they were shocked to see him. More like they were shocked to see Jungkook's face. He had a black bruised right eye and a swollen face. They all gasped at seeing Jungkook like that.

"What the hell happened to you face Jungkook? Did you fight with someone?" Taehyung asked when he sat beside him.

"No no nothing like that. Actually I got distracted and the ball hit me right in the eye. Thank god the speed of the ball was not much otherwise I would have lost my eye." Jungkook said in one go.

It was kind of hard for Taehyung to believe Jungkook because he knew how good of a player Jungkook was. He also thought how could a ball hit him in the eye? It just didn't fit right. But still Taehyung didn't ask anymore questions to him. Jungkook ignored all of them for the rest of the day and had gone to his practice without saying goodbye to any of them.

On the weekend they were supposed to meet at Cho's house for their project but Jungkook called them and said that he was busy and couldn't go and that he would mail them his part of work. They all found it extremely weird but told themselves that maybe he was tired for his school work back to back practices. But somewhere Taehyung couldn't make him believe in that.

Jungkook came on Monday kind of limping. He had hurt his left leg while playing, that was what he said to the others. But that was it for Taehyung. He knew something was wrong and that Jungkook was hiding something from him. So he decided to go to his baseball practice without telling Jungkook.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It's from Google.

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