Chp 7 : School Heart-throbs

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Cho went out of the room in a hurry leaving Jungkook and Taehyung alone.

"Thank you Jungkook." Taehyung said.

"It's okay, we're friends right?" Jungkook said.

"Yes." Taehyung said with his boxy smile which made Jungkook smile like a bunny.

They both got out of the Biology lab and were walking down the corridor towards their classroom. They were walking like Kings. The students who were in the corridor were all starring at them like they had seen two Gods walking on Earth for the first time.

They entered their classroom. They sat in their place. Jungkook said hitting Taehyung's shoulder -
"Hey did you do the history homework?"

"Yes of course I did the homework. Why didn't you?"

"Uhmm I forgot to do it. Will you let me copy yours?"

Everybody in the classroom was shocked to see Taehyung talking to someone normally. More like they were shocked to see Taehyung actually "talking". Because he never spoke to anyone in the class.

"Look at him. He is looking at me like a puppy. So cute." Taehyung thought.

"You are the new student, you shouldn't forget to do your homework the second day in your new school." Taehyung said with a soft smile and handed his homework to Jungkook.

"Did Taehyung just smile?"

"Oh my God Taehyung is smiling and talking to Jungkook."

"This is too much for me. I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Look at the two of them!!"

They had their first period off so Jungkook was copying the homework and Taehyung was reading his book. And for the students in the class who also had their first period off, well...... they we're just too busy observing the two most handsome boys of the school.

When Jungkook would crack a joke while writing and Taehyung would laugh, few girls would almost lose their senses.

Soon the bell rang and it was time for their next class which was History.

Cho and Mi Su came back from their Philosophy class and sat in their places.

Taehyung noticed them come in and waved his hand at them.

Cho was shocked that Taehyung just waved at her, because even if Taehyung ever waved to someone it was Mi Su and nobody else.

Cho and Mi Su also waved back.

Not only was Cho shocked but the whole class was shocked too. They couldn't believe the Taehyung they were seeing in front of them.

Well here before leaving the Biology lab Jungkook had said Taehyung to smile more and to be a bit more free with the people around him. So that was Taehyung trying to be normal after Jungkook's advice.

The teacher came in and the first thing she said was-

"You are all going to do a group project which will have four topics based on your syllabus. You will get three months time to complete your projects. And each group will have four members. Now there are total 20 students in the class so there will be five groups. I will choose five representatives for each group and then they can choose their members."

She said all of this in one go as if she had learned it up. When she stopped talking, only then the class could come to react. They all knew it was not a very easy project as they had to do research on four different topics. All the class could do was let out a sigh.

"So I will call out five names. Please come up in front of the class."


                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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