Chp 21 : Too Much Work

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It was the last weekend of the month. Cho, Mi Su and Jungkook were at Taehyung's house for their project work.

"Listen, I and Cho will leave half an hour early today since we have a dinner date planned." Mi Su said not looking up and completing her work as soon as possible.

"Hey, you two can join us too!" Cho said.

"Uh actually I am quite lagging behind in my part of the work. So I'm gonna complete my work as much as poasible today." Jungkook said making a pouting face.

"It's okay Jungkook, I'll help you when I am done with my part." Taehyung said patting Jungkook's back.

"Okay then we'll plan another dinner date where we four can go together." Mi Su said.

"Yea today you both enjoy." Taehyung told them.

They had started working around 4.30 in the evening and it was already 9pm.

Cho and Mi Su were supposed to leave at 8.30pm but Cho had a little bit work left so she took half an hour extra.

Finally Cho and Mi Su's work was updated till today which meant they were free to go. They bid their goodbyes and left the house.

Jungkook and Taehyung were still working. Taehyung had also been lagging behind a bit, but not as much as Jungkook.

It was 9.30pm when they heard a knock on their room's door.

Taehyung got up to open the door and saw it was his mom. She hugged him and asked him about his day. His mom and dad had come back from their work.

Jungkook immediately stood up when Mrs. Kim walked in the room and bowed.

"So you are Jungkook! So nice to finally meet you." Mrs. Kim said putting a hand on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you too ma'am." Jungkook said with a bunny smile and a small bow.

"I have heard so much of you from Taehyung that it doesn't feel like I am meeting you for the first time." Mrs. Kim said looking at Taehyung and back at Jungkook.

Jungkook had a tint shade of pink on his cheeks after hearing those words.

"Okay omma that's enough. Now go we have to work." Taehyung said leading Mrs. Kim out of the room.

"Okay okay." Mrs. Kim said and before going out of the room she gave a smile and a small bow to Jungkook which he returned.

They both felt a little fluttered after what happened and went back to work with red cheeks and occasionally smiling at each other.

Taehyung's work for today was done so he was helping Jungkook complete his part. They didn't notice that they had been working for two more hours and it was 11.30pm. There was again a knock on the door.

"It's open!" Taehyung said not looking up.

Jungkook too didn't look up until he heard the voice.

"My dears it's 11.30pm. Did you have your dinner?" Mrs. Kim said looking concerned.

"What? It's 11.30?? Oh my God I still got a bit left and I have to go home too." Jungkook said in a panicky tone.

Taehyung and Jungkook were both quite since they didn't know what to do.

"Then you can do one thing. Me and his father didn't have dinner yet. So why don't you have dinner with us and Taehyung?" Mrs. Kim asked.

"No no it's oka-" Jungkook started but got cut off by Taehyung.

"Yes yes! It's a good idea. Jungkook stay the night. Let's have dinner now and then we can come back and work." Taehyung said in an excited way.

"I don't thi-" Again Jungkook started but was cut off.

"Yes dear. You can stay the night here. Then you both can finish your work too." Mrs. Kim said.

"Then I'll ready the table and you both come down in 15 minutes." Mrs. Kim said clapping her hands. She too was excited as Taehyung who was just looking at Jungkook blushing and stuttering.

As soon as Mrs. Kim left the room Taehyung locked the door and sat close to Jungkook.

"I don't believe you are gonna to stay the night!!" Taehyung said now facing Jungkook.

"Yea I guess I-"

Taehyung pulled Jungkook towards him and kissed him passionately. There lips met and Jungkook was startled at first, but then gave into the kiss making it a deep one.

They broke apart, eyes still connected. It was like they were lost in each other's eyes, hands intertwined between them. Then they were distracted by Mrs. Kim's voice who was calling them for dinner.

They got up and Taehyung pecked Jungkook's lips for the last time before leaving the room.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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