Chp 28 : Office Party

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It was the last month to complete their projects. The first two weeks went by quickly. On the second weekend they had their last group met for their project at Cho's house. They completed their project in that weekend itself. The third week went with them studying for their Viva which they will have on the project presentation day.

Friday night of the 3rd week in Jungkook's house, at the dinner table:

"Jungkook. Tomorrow get ready by 5pm. There is going to be a party for a big success of the company and every CEO has to be present their with their families." Mr. Jeon said.

"I don't want to go." Jungkook said in a curt tone.

"It doesn't matter if you want to go or not. You have to go." Mr. Jeon said calmly.

Jungkook was going to say something but his mother put a hand on his hand making him stop.

Jungkook didn't like pretending to be a happy family in parties while he thought the truth was his father was never able to make a happy family. That's why he didn't want to go to the party because he had to pretend. But this time he determined that he wouldn't pretend and not give a damn about what the others will think of their family's reputation.

Next day:

Jungkook got ready. He wore a white shirt and black trousers. He put a black coat on him and checked himself in the mirror before leaving the room.

He came outside of the room and say his parents already waiting for him. They got in the car and set off for the party.

On the other hand, Taehyung was with his parents in some party which he felt was the most boring thing he had ever done. He was standing behind his parents who were talking to some other businessman. He was looking around when someone caught his eyes. His eyes were fixed on the person that just entered the party hall. The person didn't seem to notice him. His eyes went wider and wider at the beauty of the person. He felt a fire burning up in his stomach and a strong will to get near the person. Fair, fluffy hair, white shirt and a black coat, exposing his enough neck for him to go crazy. He couldn't believe his eyes, how could a person be so attractive and enchanting. He couldn't believe that he would be here.

The person was none other than;

"Jeon fucking Jungkook." Taehyung said under his breath, looking at the oh so attractive boy all suited up.

" Taehyung said under his breath, looking at the oh so attractive boy all suited up

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He didn't even realize how long he had been starring until Mrs. Kim patted him on the back. Taehyung broke his gaze from Jungkook and looked at his mom.

"Taehyung, come on." Mrs. Kim said gesturing him to follow her and his father.

It took him a little bit time to realize that his father was leading them to Jungkook and his family, because his mind was still clouded with Jungkook's thought.

"Mr. Jeon!" Mr. Kim called going near them.
Mr. Jeon and Mrs. Jeon turned to them. Jungkook being less bothered just looked up to see who they were and then he noticed Taehyung staring at him with all his attention. Jungkook had zero expectations of seeing him, here. Jungkook's mouth was agape and his eyes went wide seeing Taehyung suited up in a black turnel neck top and a black coat. His hair was looking different from how it usually looks. It was looking more enchanting. He was looking more handsome.

Taehyung was looking at him like he was the only person in the room

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Taehyung was looking at him like he was the only person in the room. He had a slight smile on his face seeing Jungkook's reaction. Jungkook soon came back to his senses by the conversation that just begun.

"Oh Mr. Kim!" Mr. Jeon said giving him a warm smile and shaking his hand.

"This is my wife and my son." Mr. Jeon said introducing Mrs. Jeon and Jungkook.

"We have already met before. He is my son Taehyung's friend." Mr. Kim said putting a hand on Jungkook's shoulder and gesturing another hand towards Taehyung.

Mr. Jeon immediately recognized Taehyung from when he had seeing Jungkook with him, but he didn't react. Taehyung bowed at Mr. Jeon which he returned.

"Oh that is so great." Mr. Jeon said shifting his attention to Mr. Kim.

Mr. Jeon bowed at Mrs. Kim, they knew each other because they are business partners.

"Yes it is so great that our sons are friends. I was very excited when Jungkook told me he was your son." Mr. Kim said excitedly.

"Yes yes, sure." Mr. Jeon replied.

"It's good Taehyung got company, anyway he was just yawning standing behind us." Mr. Kim said teasingly.

"Appa!" Taehyung said trying to stop him.

Mr. Kim laughed out and said, "Let's leave the kids alone and why don't the four of us get some drinks and talk business?"

"Uh sure." Mr. Jeon said and they left the boys and went somewhere.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the pictures. They are from Google.

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