Chp 8 : Project

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The teacher started calling out the names.

"Choi Ha Rin." A girl from the left got up and stood beside the teacher.

"Park Ji Hoon." Another boy from the front rows got up.

"Kim Taehyung." Taehyung got up.

"Mun Choon Hi." The girl sitting behind Jungkook got up and smiled at him while going to the front. Jungkook ignored her.

"Lee Seok." The guy sitting in front of Cho got up giving a look to Cho.

Lee Seok had a crush on Cho from a long time and had told that to Cho but Cho had rejected him. Maybe the look meant that he would choose Cho in his group.

All of them started calling out names.

"Kim Mi Su." Taehyung called and Mi Su happily went and stood beside him.

The number of students sitting was decreasing.

"Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung called and Jungkook nodded and went to him.

There were only five students left to be selected.

"Cho Hee" "Cho Hee"
Two people called Cho's name together. One was Lee Seok, as expected, and the other was Kim Taehyung, which was not at all expected.

"I-I called Cho first." Lee Seok stammered looking at Taehyung.

"Cho is going to be in my group." Taehyung said without looking at Lee Seok.

"But I-" Lee Seok started but was cut off by the teacher.

"Keep quite! In this situation let Cho choose in which group she wants to be."
The teacher said.

Cho stood up and looked at both of them.
"If I go to Lee Seok's team he will drive me crazy. Mi Su is there in Taehyung's team.. I should go to Taehyung's team."
Cho thought to herself.

Then she moved out of her seat and went towards Taehyung and stood beside him. Lee Seok's face looked like he was going to cry.

"Hi Cho!" Jungkook and Mi Su whispered to Cho.
"Hello!!" Cho said smiling wide. Taehyung saw them and smiled.

Next the five groups sat together as the teacher started to hand out small chits where they had the topic names written.

They got the topics and they realized that all of their topics were tough.

"I think from tomorrow itself we should start our work. Because this shit is gonna take a lot of time." Mi Su said.

Everybody agreed.

"Today is Thursday. Then tomorrow after school we can meet up at one of our houses and start with the work. So that even if we work late, it won't be a problem." Jungkook suggested.

"I think that's a good idea." Cho agreed.

"Yea yea." Mi Sun also agreed.

Now everybody was looking at Taehyung waiting for him to reply.

"Yea fine by me." He finally said.

"So whose house do we meet at?" Mi Su asked the most important question.

Everybody was silent until Cho spoke:

"Let's play rock, paper, scissors and decide."

Taehyung and Jungkook let out a laugh.

The girls looked at them.

Taehyung looked at Mi Su, raised an eyebrow and said,

"Yea what's the harm. Come on." Mi Su said getting ready to play.

"Rock Paper Scissor"

Jungkook, Mi Su and Cho had their palms wide open indicating paper. Taehyung made a fist indicating rock.

And hence it was decided that it would be Taehyung's house.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I donot own the picture. It is from Google.

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