Chp 14 : Baseball Day

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It was Monday and as planned the four of them, after school went with Jungkook to his first day of baseball practice.

Jungkook was soon in the field in his baseball costume and the three of them were sitting on a bench near the field from where they got a good view of him practicing.

Jungkook waved at them with a bunny smile before beginning his practice and all of them waved back.

Taehyung had his eyes fixed on him as if he was studying his every move. Right from him standing with legs apart eyes on the ball and bat at ready to him swinging the bat with great force and making a homerun. Taehyung was just transfixed on the beauty he was seeing in front of his eyes. Jungkook taking his runs with his hair kinda fluffy and bouncing each time he stood on the bases of the field with a jump, all of it was somewhere giving tingling feelings in Taehyung's stomach.

They all cheered whenever Jungkook hit a homerun which was almost always. He's an excellent player afterall.

It was soon break time and Jungkook came to his friends all worked up and sweating. His shirt was almost drenched in sweat because he had a hardcore practice session. Taehyung literally swolled when Jungkook came in front of them with his tshirt all drenched making his abs prominent over his shirt.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung staring and quickly stood close to him and said in a whisper.

"Like what you see?"

Taehyung snapped back to reality and cleared his throat giving Jungkook a smirk and nothing else.

Jungkook soon went back to his practice and as usual Taehyung couldn't move his eyes from him. The girls had some work so they left shortly after Jungkook went back to practice after the break. But Taehyung said he would wait for Jungkook. So he watched Jungkook play for another hour. When Jungkook was done he changed and came to Taehyung.

"So. What do you think?" Jungkook asked.

"About what?"

"Me playing."

"You are a really good player you know. If you keep playing like this you will definitely be chosen for tournaments."

"Ha thanks. Let's see where this goes."

"Shall we head home then?" Taehyung asked.

So the two of them were walking home when Jungkook said.

"Hey wanna grab a coffee before going? I really could do some energy and company."

"Yea sure why not. I know a good place. Let's go there." Taehyung said leading Jungkook somewhere he hadn't been yet.

They came to a hault near a small kinda old shop. Taehyung opened the door and got in, Jungkook followed. As soon as they entered they could hear a soft slow song playing in the background. The place was decorated with fairy lights and there were small wooden tables surrounded by two wooden chairs for each table. The floor was wooden and at a corner of the shop there was a fireplace. It was a really cozy coffee shop and it had only two people sitting on one of the tables.

Taehyung took Jungkook's arm and lead him to a table near the fireplace. It was cold outside so the warmth helped them to calm down. Taehyung just ordered a Hot Chocolate since he is not a big fan of coffee and Jungkook ordered Caramel Frappuccino. It's his favourite. And Taehyung definitely noted that.

They had a good time Jungkook occasionally cracking jokes and making Taehyung laugh while Taehyung told him more about his school life and how he always comes first and all of that. They had a heart to heart talk it was basically Jungkook knowing few more things about Taehyung. When had their drinks and again took a walk to their homes.

All in all it was a pretty fun day for them and they enjoyed it thoroughly.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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