Chp 19 : Past (Part II)

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*flashback continuation*

Jungkook was distracted in school all through Wednesday and Thursday thinking about what he was going to face on Thursaday.

On Thursday after school he quickly went to his practice without saying goodbye to any of his friends because he knew if he would be late then they wouldn't leave him.

But unfortunately while running towards the practice center he saw an old woman standing on one side of the road with vegetables and fruits scattered all around her. He understood that the woman's packet had torn and everything had fallen. He of course couldn't leave the old woman standing there helplessly so he went to her and helped her pick all of the fruits and vegetables and helped her to carry them home. Thank God she lived close by or else Jungkook would be more late for his practice.

[Author's note: Don't forget to help people in need if you can. Jungkook selflessly helped the old woman. If Jungkook can then you can too :) ]

When Jungkook finally reached the centre he saw the boys from his old school stand up and come near him with heavy steps. He could feel his legs tremble for a bit but he jammed his legs on the ground refusing to move. Lee Jukung stood in front of him and without saying a word punched him hard in his right eye. He stumbled back but didn't fall. He could feel the wincing pain in his right eye and for instances his vision became black. He still moved forward punching Lee Jukung hard in the stomach but one of the other boys punched him on the side of his face. He stopped because he knew he was one and they were five.

"Remeber the punch before ever being late again." Lee Jukung said and went to his position to play. Jungkook silently played the whole game just waiting to go home as soon as he can.

Next day in school Taehyung and all were asking him what had happened but he said he was fine because obviously he didn't want them to know what a loser he was.

And in the weekend they were supposed to meet at Cho's house for the project but he didn't go because he didn't want to face any interrogation. He also knew Taehyung wouldn't leave him this time without getting a proper answer. So he decided it was better not to face them and just give an excuse.

On Sunday he had an extra practice day where he was again beaten up by his bullies and that's why on Monday he went to school limping. He had no idea Taehyung had followed him up to his practice and was watching him play the whole time.

While his turn came of batting the boys had told him if he would hit a single ball they would beat him up again because in the field only Lee Jukung would be the best batsman and no one else. That's why Jungkook intentionally had missed all the three balls and was out.

Later again when it was his time to bat he intentionally missed the first two balls but by mistake he hit the third ball and it was a homerun. Taehyung had seen the boys come up to him and had thought that they were praising him but actually they were very angry on him for hitting a homerun and eventually had started beating him up.

*flashback ends*

"And that's when I saw someone pull Lee Jukung away from me and hit him. I never expected to see you there. I was so shocked and I felt my body was heavy and I couldn't even help you defend them. I'm sorry." Jungkook said ending his story.

"No! Why are you saying sorry? You think I would be angry on you because you didn't help me defend them? Oh so less you know of me." Taehyung said patting Jungkook's back who again had tears rolling down his cheeks.

Taehyung wiped Jungkook's tears and told-
"I think you should go home and take some rest. It's been a long day for you and I'm sure you're very tired."

Jungkook nodded with a soft smile.

"And I have also called my driver so we don't have to walk to the metro and again walk home from there. Okay? You already are in a lot of pain."

"Thank you Taehyung! I couldn't be more happy to have you by my side."
Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung for a kiss.

Though they were in a public place they didn't mind tasting each other's lips and kissing like it was everything they had at that time. Taehyung put his arms around Jungkook and pulled him closer deepening the kiss, forgetting about time.

After they were satisfied with each other's kiss, they got to Taehyung's car and headed home. Jungkook had fallen asleep in the car keeping his head on Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung also leaned his head on Jungkook's thinking he did good by not suppressing his feelings today.

Soon they reached Jungkook's house and he woke him up and waited till he got inside his house.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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