Chp 25 : Kiddishness

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Both of them got fresh and went down for breakfast. As expected, Mrs. Kim had again arranged a whole table full of different kinds of food, starting from bread and butter to milk and cereal, not sure what Jungkook likes best.

Jungkook chose milk and cereal and seeing that, Taehyung who was going to take a slice of bread, also went for milk and cereal. Jungkook chuckled at Taehyung's action. Mrs. Kim noticed Taehyung's cheeks go red and smiled at him.

"W-what?" Taehyung asked seeing his mother smile at him.

"Nothing." Mrs. Kim said looking away with another smirkish smile.

"Jungkook, do you need anything?" Mrs. Kim said turning towards him.

"No no, thank you Mrs. Kim." Jungkook said.

The three of them were eating when Jungkook asked,
"Will Mr. Kim not have breakfast?"

"Oh, he already had his. He had to leave early for work. He asked me to say that he was sorry he couldn't join you for breakfast. But it slipped out of my head." Mrs. Kim said looking sorry.

"Oh no it's okay. I just asked since I didn't see him." Jungkook replied getting all shy for no reason.

They had their breakfast.

"I'll be leaving for work too. Jungkook you can stay as long as you want." Mrs. Kim said giving him a warm smile and went to the kitchen to wrap up her work here and then get ready.

Meanwhile Taehyung and Jungkook went up to the former's room.

"I think I should go home now." Jungkook said picking up his bag.

Taehyung snachted the bag from Jungkook and raised it in the air.


"What no? I have to go. Give my bag!" Jungkook said tip toing to get his bag from his hands.

Tahyung kept holding it higher, tip toing himself and starts stepping backwards.

Jungkook like a kid, keeps jumping up and down trying to take his bag but Taehyung doesn't give him a chance. He keeps on giggling seeing Jungkook act like a kid.

Then Jungkook almost leaps over Taehyung trying to reach for the bag and Taehyung ends up losing balance and falling on the bed on his back. Jungkook too loses his balance and falls over the other. They both wriggle on the bed giggling trying to defend each other.

Suddenly Jungkook feels Taehyung's free hand on his lower back drawing cirlces. He stops moving and looks down at the smirking Taehyung under him. Jungkook couldn't resist and attached his lips to the others and kissed him deeply.

Taehyung lowered his hand which held the bag, losing himself in the moment. They kissed deeply until Taehyung felt Jungkook smile in the kiss and break the kiss. He then realized that his hand holding the bag was empty and Jungkook was now standing in front of him with the bag in his hand and laughing at Taehyung.

"You!!" Taehyung said getting up to grab Jungkook but he jumped backwards and ran out of the door still laughing.

"Aish such a kid!" Taehyung chuckled and ran behind him.

They ran down the staircase and were running around the house until they both got tired and Jungkook finally came to a hault.

"Why *panting* were *panting* we *panting* even running!?" Taehyung said panting to the other who was also in the same condition as him.

"Because you were stopping me from going!!" Jungkook said taking a deep breath.

"Why do you wanna leave?? Stay till the evening at least!" Taehyung whined.

"No Tae. I have to go home. Eomma already called me twice asking when I was gonna go back. She said she had something important to talk about." Jungkook said looking worried.

What could Taehyung say after listening to that. So he just sighed.

"We'll meet tomorrow at school okay? Now don't make that pouty face." Jungkook said and pecked his lips.

"Okay..." Taehyung said and pulled Jungkook for another kiss before waving him goodbye.

Taehyung say Jungkook leave and went back to his room smiling to himself thinking about Jungkook.

He was feeling something growing inside him. And he felt that thing was starting to get strong but he couldn't really understand the feeling.

So he just sat to study pushing the confusion out of his mind.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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