Chp 11 : Drunk

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Jungkook emptied the bottle without a break. Where Taehyung just took two sips.

"Woah Jungkook slow down." Taehyung said.

"What's the point?" Jungkook said and opened another bottle for himself and again drank the whole bottle.

Taehyung could see that Jungkook was already getting high. He tried to stop him from taking another bottle, but he just didn't listen and drank it.

"You know." Jungkook said banging the table.

"My dad called me. He- he never calls me, but he called me to- to tell me to come home be- because it was getting late? Who does he think he is?? Huh? Who??" Jungkook spluttered.

Taehyung moved towards Jungkook and said while patting his back.

"It's okay. It's okay. I think you should go home now."

"Home?" Jungkook says raising his voice.

Jungkook suddenly crawls over to Taehyung, his face inches away from Taehyung's. Taehyung stiffens. He looks at his drunk eyes. He tilts his head and leans backwards but Jungkook keeps leaning on him.

"You wanna send me home?" Jungkook says to Taehyung's face in a dreamy voice.

Taehyung swallows hard and he can feel his heart beating fast.

"Home? He he ~ he he ~" Jungkook giggles.

"Home." Jungkook said softly.
He looked right into Taehyung's eyes and said sadly -
"Do I even have a home?" and drops himself on Taehyung's lap.

Taehyung let's out a deep breath, his heart still racing and he looks down to see Jungkook snoring on his lap.

"Okay! I'll drop you home." Taehyung says while getting up and pulling Jungkook up with him. He swings Jungkook's arm on his shoulder and almost carries him outside the room.

They reach near the stairs and Taehyung tries his best to keep Jungkook steady but Jungkook suddenly bents down while going down the stairs making Taehyung almost fall with him. But Taehyung balances himself pulling up Jungkook. They almost stumble down the stairs.

He takes his keys and finally walks out of the house.

"Jungkook! Jungkook! Stand still. Let me open the door."

Jungkook somehow stands and Taehyung opens the door beside the driver's seat. Jungkook suddenly pushes Taehyung from the back and Taehyung falls on the seat. He pulled himself out of the car and found Jungkook laughing at him.

He found Jungkook laughing like a kid and somewhere felt a relief.

"Get inside the car you dumbo." Taehyung said.

Then he dragged Jungkook by his arm and tried to push Jungkook inside but Jungkook just stands their with his hands up in the air. Taehyung puts his hands down, hold the top of his head and pushes him inside the car.

"Phew." Taehyung exhales and closes the door. He goes to the over side and gets in the car. He puts Jungkook's seat bealt on.

"Shit. I don't know where Jungkook lives. Shit what am I gonna do?"

Taehyung then recalls that he had put Jungkook's wallet inside his bag which he carried out with him.

Taehyung reached for Jungkook's bag in the back seat and took out his wallet. Jungkook address was written on a card.

"Ah that would take 20 minutes from here." He said and started driving.

"Jungkook! Jungkook! Drink some water." Taehyung handed him a bottle still driving.

Jungkook drank the water and sat up straight feeling a little better. But fell asleep.

Taehyung stopped the car in front of Jungkook's house and turned to him.

"He looks so peaceful sleeping like that. Who would say he was aggressive like that few minutes ago?" Taehyung thought.

Taehyung woke Jungkook up and helped him go to the front of the house.

"No no back door." Jungkook said and pointed towards the back.

Though Jungkook was able to walk, Taehyung still went with him till the back door. He saw him enter the house and then went back to his car.

He drove to his home thinking what had just happened. The thought of how Jungkook would be nervous tomorrow in front of him made him laugh.

                                         to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It's from Google.

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