Chp 20 : Messing Around

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After Taehyung reached home, and was ready to sleep, he texted Jungkook.



Wanna walk to school together tomorrow?

Sure! You wait in front of
your house then from there we can walk together.

Sleep tight!😊

You too 😘

Next morning.

Taehyung just stepped outside his house when he saw Jungkook coming towards his house. He waved but Jungkook didn't seem to notice. He was looking at the boys who were playing baseball in a nearby playground.

Taehyung definitely felt something in his stomach seeing Jungkook looking at other boys. He felt his breathing get faster but he didn't understand why he was being like this.

"Hey!" Jungkook said reaching Taehyung.

But Taehyung didn't reply to him. He just stood there looking at his feet.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

Taehyung removed Jungkook's hand with a smack and instead held him tightly by the side of his arms. Jungkook was startled, but then Taehyung pulled him closer and kissed him roughly, which made Jungkook's legs feel weak. He didn't break the kiss until he felt he was out of air.

"What was that for?" Jungkook asked furowing his eyesbrows because he knew that the kiss was not a normal one.

Taehyung looked down, now feeling shy and stupid for what he did.

"Yo-you shouldn't look at other boys." He said softly. Jungkook thought he noticed Taehyung pouting.

Jungkook smirked and suddenly pushed Taehyung to the nearby wall, his mouth inches away from the other's.

"Feeling jealous already huh?" Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ears which made a shiver run down his spine. Taehyung loved his deep voice. (I mean who wouldn't)

"I just looked at them because they were playing baseball. My interest was the game not them." Jungkook said and pecked his lips before moving away.

They both smirked at each other and started walking towards the school.

They reached the school and went to their classroom. They did their classes and they had been quite touchy all through the time which Cho and Mi Su had noticed.

In the break time the four of them sat together to have their lunch.

"Is something going on between you two or are you two just too hormonal?" Mi Su said with a laugh.

"Uh-umm-" They both stuttered processing how to put it in words.

"Ah look at them stuttering. It's obvious something is going on." Cho said.

"Please tell me you both are dating. Please!!" Mi Su said all excited.

Both of the boys blushed and replied.

"Yes. We are."

"Oh my god. Congratulations!" Cho said almost jumping on her seat.

"I knew you two would be something. Wow! Now we can go on double dates!! Yeahh." Mi Su was almost squeaking.

Mi Su was really excited for Taehyung because she knew he was always by himself and didn't talk to other people. She had always been worried about him but seeing him happy gave her a huge relief.


The next two weeks passed really quick with their exams. They had also planned for a double movie date in between their exams to freshen up their minds.

Jungkook being Jungkook kept on messing around Taehyung, and cracking his all time silly jokes. Though sometimes Taehyung felt like he was babysitting a nursery kid, he enjoyed and loved being around JK as much as possible.

There liking for each other just kept getting deeper.

to be continued...

Author's note:
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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