Chp 34 : Night Stay (Part II)

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⚠️ [Smut warning! Read at your own risk] ⚠️ (There's another note saying the end of warning, so if you want to avoid smut then you can read from there.)

"Tae plea- please touch me." Jungkook pleaded.

Taehyung smirked at Jungkook's request and pulled him by his thighs to the edge of the bed. He immediately dropped to his kiss and wrapped his long fingers around Jungkook's member, slightly pumping it before leaving kitten licks on the tip. Jungkook quivers at the contact of Taehyung's tongue on his hard member.

"Please Tae don't tease." Jungkook whimpers.

And in no time Taehyung takes Jungkook's entire member in his mouth and starts bobbing his head on the other's length.

"Ahhh s-so go-good ahh." Jungkook moans out not increasing his volume too much.

Taehyung hollows his cheeks while sucking and Jungkook arches his back gripping the sheets with both of his hands trying hard not to moan out loud. Jungkook's cock twitches in Taehyung's mouth which means Jungkook is on the edge.

"Tae- I'm- am cuming nghhh" Jungkook gasps and cums in Taehyung's mouth. Taehyung leaves a low groan swallowing Jungkook's cum and gets up to kiss Jungkook.

They share a hot steamy kiss while Taehyung again trails his hands to Jungkook's cock and starts rubbing it slowly. Jungkook moans in the kiss and he too reaches for Taehyung's cock and rubs it. Taehyung groans. He leaves wait kisses on Jungkook's neck, nipples and stomach. His hand still rubbing the other's member until he's hard again.

He gets up and brings two of his fingers near Jungkook's lips. Jungkook understands and takes Tae's fingers in his mouth coating them with saliva. Tae pulls out his fingers out of his mouth and places them in front of Jungkook's hole.

"Ready?" Taehyung asks kissing Jungkook and Jungkook nods.

Taehyung at first pushes one finger inside his tight hole.

Jungkook hisses at the pain stings caused by the stretching.

"You won't feel the pain after sometime baby." Taehyung says kissing Jungkook to distract him from the pain.

Taehyung might be a virgin, but he has read enough to know how these stuffs work.

"Mo-move" After two to three minutes Jungkook tells Taehyung adjusting to his finger.

Taehyung slowly starts moving his finger in and out earning soft satisfying moans from the other. When Tae feels that Kook is streched out a little bit he pushes another finger inside and moves his fingers curling them inside and increasing his pace.

"Ahhhhh Tae feels soooo goooodd." Jungkook says exaggerating every word. He starts thrusting his hips into Tae's fingers urging him to go faster.
But Tae pulls out his fingers.

"Wh-why did you stop?" Jungkook whines at the loss.

"I have something better for you." He says picking up Jungkook legs over his shoulder and lines up his cock to the other's now wet hole. He slowly pushes only his tip in, waiting for Kook to adjust to his size. When he feels Kook relax a bit he pushes a little bit more and gradually he pushes all of him inside Jungkook.

Jungkook's eyes tear up at the pain of being stretched out so much. Tae's fingers were nothing compared to what he had inside him now. Tae left butterfly kisses all over his face giving him as much time as he needed to adjust.

After many kisses Jungkook asked Taehyung to move.

Taehyung starts to move in a slow pace.

"Fuck. Ahhh." Jungkook moans.

"Fas-faster Tae faster."

Taehyung starts thrusting in a faster pace.

"Oh fuck! Yes! Yes. Just like that! Ahhhh." Jungkook moans

"Not so loud baby." Taehyung says leaning to kiss Jungkook and engulfing his moans in the kiss.

Taehyung increases his pace even faster. Jungkook's legs shake and he clenches around Tae's member indicating he is close.

"Tae I-"

"I know baby hold it just a little bit longer." Taehyung says thursting into him harder chasing his own orgasm.

"Am close baby." Tae rasped.

Jungkook clenching tightly around Tae and with a few more thrusts Taehyung threw his head back and came inside Jungkook making Jungkook arch his back and release on both of their stomachs.

Pulling out of Jungkook, Taehyung collapsed beside him. Both of them panting hard.

⚠️ [End of warning] ⚠️

"Wow that was amazing!" Jungkook said turning his head towards Taehyung.

"You took me so well Kook." Taehyung says kissing Jungkook.

After laying like that for some time they sat up and decided to clean up. They went to the bathroom together and washed themselves and wore their clothes.

After that they both got under the blanket cuddling each other.

"So we lose our virginities today. I'm gonna remember this day for ever. The day was really a roller-coaster ride." Jungkook said.

Taehyung was silent for a bit but then he sat up straight and spoke.

"You know in these two days I felt so empty. Unable to talk to you or contact you. At a time it felt as if I might never be able to see you again. That is the time I knew-" He paused and looked at Jungkook who too had sat up and was listening to him with all his attention.

"That is the time I knew I loved you so much. Even in just these two months I fell so deeply in love with you that thinking a life without you makes me feel dead." Taehyung said still looking in the dark eyes of Jungkook which were filling with tears.

"I love you Jungkook." Taehyung said.

Jungkook inhaled a deep breath trying to control his tears and spoke.

"You have no idea how scared I was when I was unable to contact you. I couldn't wait and came here running to see if you were okay." Jungkook paused and cupped Taehyung's face in his hands.

"I love you Kim Taehyung." He said with a chuckle and pulled him in for a kiss. Taehyung smiled and kissed him back. The kiss had no steam or hotness in it. But it was a soft, true and a love filled kiss.

After that they went back to cuddling and eventually fell asleep.

to be continued...

Author's note:
Thank you all so much for 600+ reads!! It really means a lot as it is my first time writing in Wattpad
Back to the chapter:
I kind of got emotional writing the end of this chapter 🥺
But I also am not at all confident in writing smut and again I am questioning my self if it was worth the time. Arghh!!
Someone come and save me please ~

I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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