Chp 29 : Office Party (Part II)

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The Jeons and Kims left the youngsters by themselves and went somewhere.

As soon as they were out of sight Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand and dragged him behind a pillar at the far end of the hall.

He pinned Jungkook to the pillar with slight force and attacked his bare neck with his lips.

"Taehy-" Jungkook groaned at the sudden touch.

Taehyung kept licking and feeding on Jungkook's neck and slightly bitting it making Jungkook let out soft moans. He finally looked up at the brunette.

"How dare you come to a party looking so fucking hot?" Taehyung growled in a whisper.

"See who's talking." Jungkook said eyeing Taehyung top to bottom and then pulling him into a kiss. Their kiss getting sloppyer with their tongues devouring each other's mouth. Taehyung made his way again to Jungkook's neck and sucked above his collarbone.

"Tae-Taehyung don't leave a mark!"

Taehyung stopped and looked up into the brunette's eyes.

"Do you have any idea how hard I was trying to hold myself seeing you dressed up like this exposing your neck?" Taehyung said thrashing his lips to Jungkook's and kissing him deeply.

Jungkook chuckled in the kiss and kissed him back with equal desire. They broke off the kiss and sat at one of the tables so that they could spend the time talking.

Mrs. Jeon came to their table and told them to have their dinner and not wait for the elders. So Jungkook and Taehyung went to fill their plates with whatever they liked and came back and sat.

They had their food and alongside had a heart to heart conversation too. They finished their food and Taehyung brought his chair beside Jungkook's chair so he was close enough to kiss the other.

Done as thought, Taehyung moved his face closer to Jungkook's and pecked him on his lips.

"You are looking extremely gorgeous today Kook." He said eyeing Jungkook and he could feel a burn in his stomach.

"When I suddenly saw you, I felt like I was drooling and people might have thought me to be a pervet. That is how good you look." Jungkook said in a low voice which made Taehyung feel the burn get stronger.

They talked about this and that never forgetting to compliment each other whenever they got a chance. Time was passing by and it was getting quite late, but the two didn't mind because when they are with each other, they really don't think about what is happening around them.

"You know I think my father really likes you. Because whenever he talks about you, or whenever I talk about you his face lights up. I guess he likes you more than he likes me." Taehyung said making a pouty face.

"Awww look at you behaving like a kid. Are you jealous??" Jungkook cooes and pulls Taehyung in for another kiss.

"What the hell are you two doing?" They hear Mr. Kim's voice.

They break the kiss and look in front to find Mr. Kim and Mr. Jeon standing in front of their table and not at all looking happy.

"Dad- uh actually. Uh- " Taehyung pauses and looks at Jungkook who is looking at the two fathers in front of them with big doe eyes.

"Actually we have something to tell you." Taehyung takes a long breath and says. Meanwhile Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Jeon has joined them looking confused.

Jungkook immediately turns his head towards Taehyung. Taehyung stands up and takes Jungkook's hand in his making him stand up too. They exchange a look and say the same thing as if Jungkook read Taehyung's mind.

"We are dating." Both of them say, exchanging looks from their own fathers to the other's.

Mr. Kim wears an unreadable expression same as Mr. Jeon. After an awkard silence of the boys looking at everyone Mr. Kim breaks the silence.

"It's quite late. We will talk about this at home." He says and turns to go out.

"But dad there is nothing to talk about!" Taehyung calls out after him.

"Taehyung I want you to come with me immediately." Mr. Kim says in a harsh tone.

Tae looks at Jungkook who squeezes his hand lightly and nods at him. Tae doesn't argue anymore and follows his father and mother home.

"Jungkook get in the car. We will go home right now." Mr. Jeon said emotionlessly.

Jungkook shrugs a bit but agrees, because he doesn't know what he is going to face when he gets home. And he thinks about what Taehyung's father will tell him and gets worried about that too.

to be continued...

Author's note: Sorry again for the late update but as I said before I am in a lot of pressure now, but I am trying to update as much as I can.

I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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