Chp 23 : Soft Night

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It was 1.45am and Jungkook played the movie. They were sitting under the blanket and watching the movie. Jungkook was so engrossed in the screen that Taehyung thought he forget that there was another person in the room.

"Hey..." Taehyung said softly.

Jungkook broke his gaze from the screen after a few seconds and turned his head to look at Taehyung.

Their eyes met and Taehyung was starring deeply in Jungkook's eyes. Jungkook too was unable to move his gaze. Then he felt Taehyung's hand reach up to his chin and his thumb stroke his cheek lightly.

Taehyung shifted his gaze from Jungkook's eyes to his lips and then back at his eyes.

"You're so beautiful." Taehyung said softly with his deep voice and again looked at his lips, hand still stroking his cheek.

He moved his hand from his chin to the side of his neck and leaned in. Jungkook closed his eyes and Taehyung touched his lips softly with Jungkook's and kissed. He felt Jungkook exhale and relax giving up his weight on Taehyung's palm which made him close his eyes too.

Taehyung moved his other hand on the other cheek of Jungkook and pulled him in letting their lips brush against each others and their soft breaths hitting each others face.

Taehyung parted his lips and slowly captured Jungkook's upper lip between his. Jungkook too parted his lips and took Taehyung's lower lip. They tilted their heads getting better access of each other's lips.

Both of them felt each other's wet lips and their stomach gave a lurch. They kissed, changing between lips for a long time. Because for them time had froze. The movie kept playing in the background but all they could hear was their breaths and soft kisses.

Finally they broke apart and looked into each other's eyes with utter admiration. Like they will never get enough of each other's deep and beautiful gaze.

Taehyung finally shifted his gaze back to the screen and put a arm around Jungkook pulling him closer. Jungkook moved closer to him and slided down a bit and leaned on Taehyung so that his head was near his shoulder.

Taehyung wrapped his arm around Jungkook keeping him locked by his side. They continued watching the movie.

After a while Taehyung looked down at Jungkook to see that he had fallen asleep. He chuckled to him self by looking at his cute little sleeping face thinking about his duality.

Taehyung placed soft kisses on his forhead which woke Jungkook up.

"Oh-uh- sorry I fell asleep." Jungkook said trying to sit up straight but unable to because of Taehyung's grip.

"It's okay Kookie. Let's sleep." Taehyung said taking the remote and switching off the tv.

Taehyung let go off Jungkook and slided under the blanket. Then pulled Jungkook under it too and wrapped his arms around him like he was some teddy bear.

Jungkook pulled the blanket over him and snuggled into Taehyung's chest making him giggle.

Jungkook cuddled closer to Taehyung and finally stopped wriggling.

"You wriggle a lot Koo." Taehyung said kissing him on the forehead.

"Hmm..." Jungkook hummed and wrapped his arm around Taehyung. Taehyung looked at his sleepy face and couldn't resist the cuteness.

He kissed him on his nose, which made Jungkook look at him with his sleepy eyes and left out a small chuckle. Taehyung chuckled too and kissed him on his eyes, his cheeks and gave soft pecks on his lips.

Jungkook lifted his head up and kissed Taehyung on his cheek before snuggling back to his chest.

"Sleep tight Kookie."

"You too Tae."

And they slept peacefully in each other's arms.

to be continued...

Author's note :
I don't own the picture. It is from Google.

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