The Portal

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The cover of this Fic is by (twixstari on insta)*****

August 2nd
The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. Camilla takes a deep breath and takes in her surroundings and smiles. She takes out her phone and calls in sick for work and her smile grows wider. She sighs, relieved that she can spend the day with her two year old daughter Luz at the park.

This year for Camilla has been really difficult on her, as her husband James just passed away due to a heart attack. She just lost the love of her life, and now has to care for their child all alone. James was the one who usually brought Luz to the park, but since his death Camilla has had to pick up extra shifts to provide for her and Luz. Camilla is doing her best to put on a strong face, but sometimes Luz comes up to her and asks when her daddy will come home, and she has to explain that he's not coming home. Camilla does her best, but she just doesn't have time for a full time job at the hospital and a two year old.

Today was different. Camilla has picked up a lot of double shifts this summer due to her mother visiting for the summer and looking after Luz. Today she was going to spend with her daughter, who was the spitting image of her father. Luz had her father's imagination and optimism.

As Camilla packed for the park, Luz came walking down the stairs looking a bit sad on this beautiful day. "Mommy, I really miss daddy. I know you said he can't come back, but why can't we at least visit him? Does he not like us anymore?". Camilla just stood there shocked, tears began to fill her eyes but stayed strong for her daughter. She knelt down and hugged Luz as tight as she possibly could "¡Oh, cariño, no pienses así! Of course he loves you! I bet he would give anything to see us again, but sometimes there are thing we can't control and people get taken from us. He left too soon but one day, hopefully not for a hundred years, you and I will see him and we will all dance and play and be happy again like we were.". Tears now falling down her cheek but holding a smile. Luz looks up at her mom and with sad eyes puts on a smile for the thought on seeing her dad once again. Camilla stands up, wipes the tears from her eyes, and pick Luz up and spins her around producing a laugh from her little girl. "Ok are you ready to go to the park with your mamá?" Camilla says pressing her nose to Luz's nose as she giggles in excitement. "Yes! Onward to my kingdom where all my subjects shall be waiting for me!!" Luz screams while pointing to the door. Camilla watches as her daughter runs out the door and smiles tears of joy.

She chases after Luz not faltering her smile. As they start their journey to the park, Camilla realized she forgot her keys. Not wanting to hold off on their journey any longer, she tells Luz to wait by the trash can out in front of their house while she goes and grabs them. Luz groans but complies to her mother's request, when suddenly she sees the trash thrashing around. Suddenly an owl pops out with a bag of random trash and heads for the woods. Luz being the infant she is, her curiosity gets the best of her and she waddles her way into the woods. While Luz's attention was occupied by the owl, she didn't notice the old decrepit cabin the owl was headed for. As the owl headed in the door, it started to glow, and Luz's eyes grew wider than they ever had before. As a two year old, Luz didn't have to mental capacity to think this through, so she walked through the glowing door to end up in the Boiling Isles.

Meanwhile Camilla goes into her room to grab her keys, when suddenly her phone starts to ring. "Hello?" "Camilla there's an emergency at the hospital and you have to be there! I've already sent Jacob to go get Luz and look after her. It's an all hands on deck situation!". Camilla's smile almost instantly becomes a frown. She sighs and agrees to go in and help out the situation. She walks down the stairs slowly to grab Luz and tell her that her friend Jacob is taking her to the park instead. As she opens the door, she sees Luz is nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately she thought nothing of it, as she assumed Jacob already picked her up and went to the park. "I bet Jacob finally put to use that new car. I promise Luz I'll make it up to you.". Camilla closes the door to get ready for her nursing job, not ready for what's about to be taken from her.

My first ever fanfic. I love the owl house and I just had an idea one day and wrote about it. I will admit I'm not the best writer but I'll do my best to share my idea, to the best of my ability. Any helpful tips or ideas will be appreciated. I'm kind of winging it as I go.

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