Dinner plans

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Buckle up...
The tension in this chapter is just...
Looooonnnngggg Chapter btw.
So long, I'm too lazy to proof read it. So if it has a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, deal with it:)



The five witches stood up straight when the butler went to open the door. Steve and Lilith discretely held hands, hiding behind the twins, while Amity held her breath while the butler opens the door.

The door opens revealing Odalia and Aldor in their coven uniforms, and four guards behind them. "Children, Lilith." Aldor nods greeting the group situated inside the manor "We have the honor of hosting the emperors' daughter tonight." A bead of sweat formed on Aldor's forehead.

Odalia noticed, and wiped it away almost immediately. She then looks back at the five witches "Yes. We will be on our best behavior. And Lilith, if you don't mind introducing Amity to her. I'm sure they will have much to talk about." Lilith nods in response "Now. Let's us now converse in the dining room, and formally introduce our future empress."

Odalia and Aldor lead the guards and the figure in the middle to the dining room. There were four guards behind the Blight parents and four guards behind the figure. Eight guards in total, Lilith made a mental note.

They all made it to the dinner table and Luz emerges from the eight guards surrounding her. Amity wants to run to her and engulf her in a hug, but what she is witnessing, she just wants to cry in her siblings' arms.

Luz's face is blank, with no muscle movement whatsoever. She's in her empress gown (Cover of Story) and has... a staff!!!! Luz sits down at the head of the table, signaling for everyone to sit as well. She has neither spoken a word nor showed an ounce of humanity. Luz clicks a button and her staff folds up and she stashes it away.

(So you can picture how the table looks)
Odalia and Aldor sit at the other end of the table, where Aldor sits at the end. The eight guards are all standing around the room. Lilith sits next to Luz's left, and Amity to Luz's right. Steve is in between Lilith and Odalia, and the twins are in between Aldor and Amity.

The table is silent, the only sound that can be heard is the delicate breaths of everyone sitting. Odalia breaks the silence "So my liege, welcome to our manor, I hope everything is to your liking?" Luz just stares at Odalia and nods, not breaking a sweat. Odalia swallows the ball in her throat and looks towards her husband, signaling him to say something.

Aldor looks at his wife and takes the hint "S-so empress, do you attend Hexside or are you homeschooled?"

Luz turns her head to Aldor and looks directly into his eyes, not faltering "Yes. I attended Hexside for a bit. In fact, Amity tutored me in abominations. But the emperor has decided to take me out because I need more of an advanced education." Luz is nothing but a shell.

Odalia's eyes widen at the mention of Amity's name "Oh? So you've met our daughter? And would you say you two get along well?" Amity is trying her best not to show her curiosity, but she wants to know what the emperor did to her. The guests wait for a response and all look at Luz.

"I would say we're acquaintances." Luz turns to Amity, with bland eyes "We only talked to each other in school and at the library. Nothing more." Luz turns back to the Blight parents.

Aldor answers "Well, as time goes on, maybe you two may spend more time together, and become friends." Aldor motions towards Amity looking at the human across from him.

Steve and Lilith both look at Luz with glossy eyes. As far as they could tell, there was no trace of Luz sitting in front of them.

"Maybe." Luz answers, then turns to Steve "Steve. Surprised to see you here. You're dumber than I originally thought."  The first emotion on Luz's face was disgust towards her former protector. Steve doesn't respond, he just looks at his plate. "Look at me when I talk to you."

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