Grom Night Pt. 1

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Heads up, all of the outfits are from the Grom episode, except just take out Luz's skirt and replace them with purple dress pants. So she's basically in a tux.

I hate part 1+2 but I had like 4,000 words before I even had Luz and Amity arrive at the dance. I want to make the next chapter long like this one.

Hope you ENJOY Grom night!!!


 School ended a couple of hours ago, and let's just say Amity's anxiety just carried on. Amity met up with her older siblings after parting with her human, until later tonight. Emira and Edric notice their younger sister's discomfort and try to cheer her up with some playful banter. "Say, Ed? You want to make a bet?"

Edric smirks at his twin, catching on quickly "Sure. What did you have in mind?"

"Well, let's make a deal. Whoever kisses their date tonight, gets out of their house chores for two months!" Emira side-eyes Amity to see if she caught her attention.

It's a slight movement in her ears, but Amity was listening. Edric continued on "Why stop at two months? Make it six! I'm tired of cleaning my room. Being a perfectionist can be so hard!"

Amity furrows her eyebrows and turns to her siblings "You guys don't do chores! You always make an excuse and I end up doing them! And Ed, you are many things, but a perfectionist is not one of them."

Ed and Em share the same devious look and Emira says "Then accept the bet. Unless you're too scared to lose."

"Come on Em. You know Mittens. She wouldn't dare participate in one of our silly bets." Edric says as he walks away, trying to manipulate Amity into accepting. "She's above all of that."

"Yeah." Emira follows her brother "You're probably right. Besides, Amity doesn't have the guts to do it anyway."

Amity had it. It felt like steam was shooting out of her ears due to her built-up anger "HEY!" Ed and Em stop but stay turned away, both smiling, knowing they just succeeded. "You're on! But make it a year!"

The twins turn simultaneously and smile towards the young witch. Together they agree and all shake on it. The three Blight kids then turn back to continue their journey towards the owl house to notify Eda about Luz being the Grom queen.


Back at the castle, Luz changed into her Grom outfit and just stared at herself in the mirror. She's all alone in her chambers, staring at her own reflection. She sighs and bows her head and says quietly, but out loud "I'm going to regret this later..." And with that, Luz sits down and closes her eyes to concentrate deeply.


Now Luz is in the throne room, sitting in front of a trapped Titan. The Titan just looked at the human, smiling and waiting for her to say the first words. Luz groans and grits her teeth "Titan Belos."

The Titan keeps his smile and just smugly says "Luz." He was not going to ask why she was here, because he already knew. He wanted her to ask.

"Really?" Luz looks at the chained Titan with regret inching up her spine.

"You look nice. Any particular reason for this visit?" His voice is full of amusement. He's enjoying this way too much.

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