Mission Impossible

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"Edric! Emira!" The youngest Blight yells throughout the manor, hoping her two older siblings will pop out. "ED! EM!"

As Amity stands in the middle of the manor, Edric pops his head from around the corner "Mittens? Why the urgency?"

Emira then pops out from behind her baby sister and leans on her shoulder, startling her "Yeah Mittens. Did you skip lunch again?"

Both Edric and Emira walk up to each other, standing shoulder to shoulder, laughing. Amity however keeps a stern face and snaps her fingers, catching both of her sibling's attention. "Listen you two. I'm calling on the council of the Double-Blights'. I don't want to endanger either of you so all I can say is I need to cause enough trouble to get me sent to the Conformatorium so that mom and dad have to bail me out!"

The twins stop laughing and stare daggers at their little sister. Edric rubs the back of his neck, very confused and concerned "Mittens, we're all for causing trouble and all, but we're not going to help you with that."

"Yeah." Emira starts to pick at her nails, getting concerned for Amity "We like to cause trouble Ams, but nothing too serious to get us arrested. In fact, it's our duty as older siblings to stop you from doing something like that."

Amity rolls her eyes and groans "Oh Titan, now you two get responsible? I don't have time for this, are you going to help me or not!"

The twins both look at each other and then back at the young Blight "No. In fact, I think we have to stop you." Edric looks at his twin sister for confirmation that she agrees with him. When Emira nods and agrees with him, he begins to draw a spell circle.

Before the oldest Blight son can complete the spell circle, Amity holds her hands up "Wait!" Edric holds his finger up, not completing the spell, but not discarding it either "It's for Luz. She's in trouble."

Edric puts his hand down, getting rid of the spell. Emira looks at her little sister and places a hand on her shoulder "Mittens, tell us why you need to be arrested for Luz."

"I-" Amity pulls away from her sister's touch and sighs "I can't tell you. But you just have to trust me. Luz is in danger, and mom has been quiet about it for two weeks. I just need to save her."

"Amity, all jokes aside, going to the Conformatorium won't get you closer to Luz. In fact, that will get you further from her. Either you'll stay as a prisoner, or mom and dad will kill you." Emira states while bringing her hand to her chin.

Edric nods "Yeah. And I'm sure if something was wrong, mom or dad would say something. Right?"

"You don't get it! Either of you!" Amity's ears lower in frustration, and her voice starts to shake "Why would they! Luz is in trouble because the Titan is reincarnated into Steve's body! He probably threatened mom and dad and us to keep them compliant. That's why they've been on edge!" The young witch pants from her rant, she pinches the bridge of her nose, and takes a deep breath "Now, are you going to help me or not?"

Emira once again steps towards her sister, but this time not laying her hand on her shoulder "We'll help. But we need to come up with a better plan. One that's beyond the normal eye."

Edric follows in his twin's footsteps and smirks deviously "Yeah. A plan fit for two master illusionists!"

Amity smiles and then sighs in relief "Not just for two!" Amity draws a spell circle, opening the door to the manor. 

Then, as if on cue, the Clawthorne sisters and three young witches, all walk through the door. Eda laughs as they all flow through the entrance of the manor "Wow, that took a lot of convincing!" Lilith holds out her hand and the Owl Lady rolls her eyes while placing seventy-five snails into the witch's hand "Also lost me some cash. Guess you two are more responsible than you let on! Now that you two are on board, let's plan!" Eda and Lilith both draw a large spell circle, engulfing the group in a protection spell so that nobody could spy on their plan.

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