The Good Witch Azura

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Not my best chapter I will admit. Bare with me though. Eda (the best character) is coming soon to a screen near you. But seriously not my best.


A new day.

Luz woke up in her school uniform from yesterday. She slowly sits up and immediately sees herself in the mirror and cringes. "Wow, I genuinely look terrible." Considering Luz's encounter with Belos last night, she's lucky she's not a statue.

Luz lugged herself out of bed and packed for the new school day when suddenly she remembered the book Amity gave her yesterday. 'The Good Witch Azura'. Since Luz doesn't have tutoring, or any plans today, she might give this a read after school. Luz finished packing her homework and got ready for her second day at Hexside.

Luz walked through the castle halls, making her way to the gates. Every guard bowing in respect towards her. Then suddenly Kikimora stops her in her tracks. "Off to school are we?"

"Yes ma'am," Luz says respectfully, but really means it in a demeaning way.

Kiki knows Luz all too well to know she doesn't mean to be respectful in her tone "Hmmm. I'm assuming you've learned your lesson last night. But just in case you haven't, and you've forgotten for any unexplainable reason let me remind you." Luz shows a little anger in her face but controls her temper, not wanting to be kept from school any longer "Emperor Belos and you are scheduled for dinner at 8:00 pm tonight and every other night. Don't be a minute late."

Luz now making fists, decides to use her higher ranking in the hierarchy to her advantage. "Thank you for reminding me Kiki. Enjoy the rest of your day, you know, cleaning my room and attending to my father's every need."

Kiki looks at Luz with anger and Luz just smiles, knowing this is a battle that she's won. Usually, Kiki would win these little encounters but today, Luz just wasn't putting up with it. The two depart from each other's company to start off their days.

Luz finally leaves the front castle gates and hops onto Steve's staff for their journey to Hexside. Steve lands in the same clearing as yesterday, 2 miles away from campus.

"Call me later and tell me where I am picking you up at 7:00 pm. I'm not risking anything today." Steve tells Luz making sure she understands.

"No need. I'll be at the library after school. I have a bet to win. Pick me up from there." Luz yells as she's already a good distance from Steve, not wasting another moment.

Finally, Hexside is in Luz's sight. She walks in and heads straight towards her locker when she suddenly catches sight of Amity and all of her friends.

"Hey, Amity! I was wondering if you could just check over my homework from last night? I just want to make sure I don't hand in complete gibberish." Luz says, not noticing the three-eyed witch staring at her intensely.

"Sure. But before we do that, I'd like to introduce you to my friends. This here is Boscha and Skara." Amity then turns to her two friends "Guys this is the human Luz. She's new here and I'm her tutor."

"Oh I know, I've heard all about you. So... human, where do you really come from. Why are you such a mystery? And why did I see you with Half a Witch Willow yesterday." Boscha says, narrowing all three of her eyes at Luz as if she's interrogating her.

Luz gives Boscha a blank stare. "Does this pink-haired witch think that she's intimidating me? Ha! Funny... I should introduce her to my dad one day. Then we'll see who's intimidated."

Luz, not breaking a sweat, is about to give Boscha a smart remark when Amity cuts in "Boscha don't be rude. Ask all the questions you want later. Luz and I have to check over her homework before class. Come on Luz." Amity walks away and Luz waves goodbye towards Boscha and Skara in a sarcastic way, and follows the Blight girl.

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