Shopping Human Style

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I'm back! Sort of... I'm not fully back because it's taken me like 4 days to write this chapter alone. So patients.

I'm on pain meds so if this isn't a good chapter, deal with it... ENJOY!!!!

I wanted something big for the first chapter of Part II. But obviously not too big. *Wink*


It's been a week since the coronation. Luz has been unable to see her friends due to the workload she was bombarded with. Lilith has been trying to help, but Luz declines her offer every time so she can focus on her own job. So far, Luz is doing a pretty good job considering her situation of being a 14-year-old Empress.

Luz hasn't been sleeping well due to the fact the Titan is trapped in her head. He is constantly trying to talk to her and apologize for his rash behavior, but Luz just isn't buying it. Sometimes when Luz tries to close her eyes for a moment, he manages to communicate with her. Luz has a lot on her mind lately, so for now she's just ignoring the Titan as best she can.

Luz has been incredibly stressed and it's only her first week as ruler. Surprisingly, Kikimora has been helping Luz adjust to the new workload and guiding her. Of course, Kiki's attitude has been better towards Luz, but there are times where she just snaps at the human like the good old days.

Usually, before the day starts, Luz and Lilith go and visit Steve's grave to say hello, and tell him how much they miss him. When Lilith is done with her greetings, she goes and starts her day while Luz continues on to the next grave which was her adoptive fathers. Luz might seem like she's handling the loss of the two who raised her, but in actuality, she's just as broken the day she lost the both of them.

Today was a good day however. Today, Luz's green-haired witch was coming by the castle to go shopping for Grom dresses. Lilith has agreed to take the two girls to town personally and make sure non of the civilians try any funny business against the new human empress.

Luz was waiting on the throne in her empress's gown looking over paperwork. They were basically charts on how the Boiling Isles was doing and what laws were unjust and how to improve. Luz kept the coven system laws because, in a way, they did keep order, but if a witch did not want to be in a coven, they would be fined each year. Luz found the petrification process too gruesome and barbaric.

As Luz is going over some rulings with Kikimora, Lilith enters the throne room with her apprentice by her side and surprisingly her sister. The three witches have smiles on their faces at the sight of their human hard at work. Kiki walks up to the three and turns back around to Luz "My liege, your guests have arrived. I assume you are going to be out for the rest of the day."

Luz looks up from the documents and smiles at the sight in front of her "Thank you Kiki. Yes, I will be out for the rest of the day. I assume you can hold down the castle in my absence?"

Kikimora bows "You have assumed correctly. And should we be expecting guests for dinner tonight?"

Luz looks at the three witches for confirmation. They all nod, agreeing "Yes. Please set up six chairs for dinner tonight. Willow and Gus are joining us later." Luz gets up from the throne and grabs her staff that she's never attempted to use yet. She tucks it into her gown and makes her way to her three guests. "You guys ready for a shopping day?"

Eda smiles and lets out a laugh "Kid, I'm ready for you to finally leave this place and hang around us. You've earned it."

"For once my sister is right. You've been working so hard your first week and deserve a day of relaxation. Now, shall we." Lilith grabs her staff and gestures to the door.

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