The Day Of

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The Day Of Grom has finally arrived. AHHHH!! The Grom dance is the next chapter though... Sorry I got carried away with Luz going back to school. *shrug*


ALSO #1 Ranking in #LuzNoceda!!!!



Today is the day. Grom day has finally arrived and Amity couldn't contain her excitement. "Ok Blight, the plan is to go to school, enjoy the day, and finally dance with Luz. And who knows, maybe ask her out in the process?" Amity threw her covers off her bed and basically jumped out. The young witch danced around in her room getting ready for the school day and the dance to follow.

This girl was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice her older sister at the doorway just smiling at her "Wow Mittens, I didn't know you could smile so much. Did Ed fall down the stairs again?"

Amity doesn't care for her sisters' sarcastic comments. In fact, she just smiles and walks out of her room past Emira, and turns to her "Well every time you and Ed are around, you guys make it your mission to antagonize me every chance you get. Well, not today! Today is a good day!"

Emira laughs "Well, if you're happy, then I'm happy. Just don't let your ego get the best of you tonight or Ed and I will have to plan something to bring you back to reality." Emira smirks and walks down the stairs past Amity. Edric comes running past the two girls only to trip and fall down the stairs. Emira and Amity share a glance and both break into laughter. Emira walks down the stairs and steps over her twin "That's four days in a row Ed. Going for a new record?"

Edric looks up in pain but still smiles "Na. I don't think it's possible to beat my current record. I've just been excited all week!"

Amity makes her way down and helps her older brother up and laughs along "We're all excited, but that doesn't mean we forget how to walk."

The three laugh and walk together into the kitchen to get bitter bean blood to start off their day. The Blight parents are at the kitchen table enjoying the daily news report. Aldor looks up and sees the kids getting unusually along. "Children. Why so hyper this morning. You know your mother doesn't like commotion in the morning. Settle down please."

Odalia scolds her husband and looks to her three color-coordinated kids "Good children don't laugh in the morning. They get ready in silence for a successful day. Amity, you've never had an issue with this, is there something on your mind today?"

Amity looks down at her feet trying not to show any emotion towards her mother. But before Amity can apologize Ed and Em step up and smile at their mother "Don't you remember mother?" Edric says smugly. Emira looks at her brother and back at her mother "Yeah! tonight is Grom and Amity is excited for her date tonight."

Odalia and Aldor both look up from the crystal ball to their youngest. Odalia's eyes widen at the realization "Wait. The everlasting oath with the empress?" Odalia quickly looks at her husband who also widens his eyes at the memory. They both stand up and turn to their youngest "Young lady is that tonight!!! Oh my Titan we have to prepare! Will she pick you up or vice-versa? Doesn't matter we need to prepare! How do we even prepare for that?"

Aldor puts his hand on his wife's shoulder to try and calm her down "Amity, why didn't you remind us? This is an incredible honor and a big deal! We can't have a repeat of the last time the human was here. I'll contact Lilith and make sure to bring an escort and do a perimeter check before the Empress comes tonight!" The two run out of the room in a hurry to get everything ready for their daughters' date.

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