Dinner With The Big Man

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Luz walks into the dining room, very slowly. All confidence from before, all ounce of happiness from this special day, vanished in an instant. Luz has made Belos mad before, but never like this. Belos always waits for Luz to attend dinner, but this is the first time he's had to send for her to join him. He's sitting very quietly and is so still, anyone could have mistaken him for a statue.

"Father. Before you lecture me, I would like to state that I wasn't just goofing off with new friends. I was catching up on what I've missed due to the fact that I started school after everyone." Luz started to shake, feeling chills throughout her body. All she can hear is the fast paste of the heart beating in the throne room, which is about two rooms away. "I didn't realize when you gave me the freedom to come home without escort, you meant straight after school. That was my mistake. Please forgive me." Luz is now on her knees, crying.

Belos stands up and walks to the point where he's hovering over his human "Get up. You are my daughter, my burden, you do not show weakness to anyone, especially me!" Luz stands up, wipes her tears away, and keeps her head down, avoiding eye contact at all costs. However, Belos grabs Luz's face and forces her to look at him in the eyes, "Look me in the eyes when I am talking to you!" He lets go of Luz and sits down in his chair motioning for her to sit.

Luz sits, terrified, but trying her absolute best not to show it "I'm sorry for my insolence. Now if I may ask, why am I in trouble."

"Do we, or do we not have dinner every night together at a certain time?" Belos asks not moving his gaze from Luz.

"Yes, father we do. I just lo-" Luz is cut off by Belos raising his hand for silence.

Belos lowers his hand and continues "Correct. Not only have I so graciously given you a home, but I have fed you three meals a day, every day. I only ask for one meal to be with me. We have had the same time for dinner, every day for 12 years. Not only do I provide for you, but I also allow you to attend the school of your choice. This kind of behavior I expect from a normal puny witchling, NOT my daughter. Now since I am so generous, I will let you off with a warning, but for your punishment, you may not eat tonight."

"THIS ISNT FAIR." Luz stands up banging her hands on the table. "You said you trusted me to come home! Normal witches don't have dinner with their family every night. They stay out late with friends eating junk food and having fun!" Luz is once again cut off by Belos, but instead of it being his hand, he pulls out his staff and he raises it up in the air. Luz is now unable to move regretting her behavior.

"Watch your tongue! You are not a normal witchling. YOU are not even a witch. You are a weak human that is lost, and would be dinner for any creature if it weren't for me." Belos is now enraged with Luz's attitude. He now stands from his seat once again, and grips his staff even tighter "Those witches are insignificant compared to you and insignificant to me! If this is how you behave after one day of school then things will change very quickly." Belos finally lets Luz out of his spell and tucks his staff away.

Luz falls on her knees now, frozen in pure horror. "I'm sorry sir. It won't ever happen again." Luz's voice is now shaking, holding back all of her tears. "I am grateful for your generosity. If I am not allowed to eat dinner, may I go to my room and do my homework for the school day tomorrow?"

Belos answered immediately "No. you have to sit here with me while I eat. After I have finished my meal, then you have to clean up, not the guards. Luz, I'm only doing this to teach you a valuable lesson. Family comes before all else. Now sit in silence while I enjoy dinner"

Luz now gets up and sits once again not moving a muscle "Family comes before all else. He just cares about me or he wouldn't have done that. Just teaching me a valuable lesson in his own way." Trying to validate Belos' actions in her thoughts, Luz has just one more question before she calls it a miserable night "Father? I mean no disrespect or harm. I just want to ask a question." Belos gives Luz permission with a nod "So today I've made friends at school. Say one night I would like to spend the night? If I first come home to dinner would that be ok if I would go to their home after?"

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