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Yo what's up guys!!!!

I'm so happy this fic has gotten a lot of love!!! Over 4K readers in just a month!!! That's insane!! And it's been in the owl house top 10 for a while now! That's mind boggling to me!

So that was Part I and now I'm going to write Part II of the story. No second book because it's all the same story.

If you don't care about how Luz deals with normal life and ruling the Isles, then Part II isn't for you. Just stop reading at this point. But if you need this story to cope with the fact that the Owl House season 2 hasn't aired yet, then this is the place for you!! Keep on reading!

Unfortunately I have a surgery so I'll be out for a bit. HOPEFULLY No longer than a month though, I'm not disappearing, I'm just recovering!! I love to write so I'll try to come back as soon as possible!

On that note I want to focus on Luz's rehabilitation and mental health due to her killing basically two family members, and her controlling her new powers! And maybe that means developing a relationship with the Titan?

I also want LUMITY in Part II so that's a definite! *wink*wink*

Also we got to have the Eda and Luz relationship blossom. Duh that's a given.

If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in Part II, leave a comment! I love to read your ideas and on how to better my story!

Anyway thank you again for all the love and support! I never thought I would write but here I am!

Also shoutout to the OG fans. You know exactly who you are and I would like to say you guys are what kept me writing. I owe this book to you guys!

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