The Owl Lady

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Sorry for the late post... I want it to be good and not rushed. Enjoy.


Luz started to get into a routine these past few weeks. It would be school then tutoring with Amity, or goofing off with Willow and Gus. So far Luz has yet to reveal any of her background information to anyone. As far as anyone knows, she's just a human who found a way to perform magic.

Willow and Gus have been starting to ask questions, but Luz always finds a way out of them. Amity, however, doesn't ask questions because she knows all too well how complicated families can be.

Strangely enough, Boscha is the most curious out of all the witches. She always snoops around Luz whenever she can. Every chance she gets, she tries and interrogates Luz, but is always interrupted by Amity saying it's none of anyone's business.

Luz is talking notice to Boscha and is getting annoyed. Luz lets Steve know about Boscha, and he just says that they will have to be cautious.

One time Boscha went a step further and went through Luz's locker. Luz caught her in the act and used an ice glyph on her. Boscha broke out and the two girls started arguing in the halls of Hexside. Principal Bump broke the two apart and sent Boscha to detention. With Luz's strange connection to the emperor's coven, Bump tries to steer clear of getting her in trouble in general and lets her off on a warning.

On the weekends, Luz mostly hangs out with Willow and Gus, including today. It was midday, and the three friends made plans to hang out in the town of Bonesburrow.

Luz and Gus would spend a lot of time together, learning about human stuff. Finally, Luz convinced Gus to take her to his source of human items. Gus doesn't like to talk about his 'source' considering she's the most wanted criminal on the Boiling Isles. Luz promises not to say anything about it because if she was caught with a wanted criminal, she would be in just as much trouble.

"Finally you're taking me to see the... bird... lady?" Forgetting her name, Luz looks to Gus to see if he'll remind her.

"The Owl Lady. And that's just her nickname. Her real name is Eda." Gus says in a serious tone. "Now Luz, she's..... different from all of the witches you've met. How do I put this nicely."

Willow cuts Gus off "Oh Eda's a con man. No other explanation."

Luz is now extra paranoid, constantly looking to see if there are any of the emperor guards around the market. If Luz got caught with a wild witch, who knows what Belos would do to her.

The human and the two witches near a stand, which seems to be piles of random junk. Suddenly, a figure pops out in all kinds of crazy clothes. "Heya Augusto! You back for more supplies! OO and you brought more customers... I mean friends with you! Tell me are you ready to experience life like a human." Eda now pointing at Luz and stops her whole pitch. "Wait... Antonio, did you bring me a real human?"

Gus facepalms his forehead "Eda this is Luz the human. And for the 20th time, it's Augustus. But I go by Gus now."

"Yeah yeah, Anton, whatever. So Luz the human, how did you end up here in the Demon Realm?" Eda's attention is directed towards Luz and nothing else.

Luz looks around once more for any signs of a roaming guard "I'm not really sure how I got here. I grew up here apparently since I was two."

Eda now very intrigued "Fascinating! You know what I find interesting? How did you make your way through my portal? You see I'm the only witch on the Isles who possesses a portal to the human realm."

Luz's eyes open wider than they ever had before "Wait. You have a portal to the human realm?? How is that possible? Can you take me there?"

Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Eda's head "Sure I can take you there. But you got to do something for me first." Eda now smiles waiting for Luz to agree to go over her plans.

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