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Camila walks down the street, on her way to work for the remainder of the day. Twelve years since her daughter disappeared. Twelve years there's been a hole in her heart, holding out the tiniest bit of hope, her baby Luz is still out there. Twelve years, coming up on thirteen. 

After Luz disappeared, the first three years were the worst, but after Camila got the push she needed, she got back up on her feet and started living again. It was hard, but Camila's mother Jeanne never gave up on her. She held her daughter's hand every step of the way.

After Luz's seventh year of missing, Camila made the decision to move out of her mother's house and get her own place. Now the old house she had with Luz and James was sold to another couple, but that didn't matter. Camila didn't want to move back there anyway. She also got her old job back at the hospital as a nurse.

With her new start, Camila slowly got back into dating. At first, it was difficult, but she got the hang of it again pretty quickly. She ended up dating her friend Jacob, who was incredibly kind and a doctor at the hospital she worked at. They dated for about three years, then got married. Camila was now happy once again after the tragic period of her life. After a year of being married, Camila and Jacob had a baby boy named Hugo. Finally, Camila had a family again, and she could smile with purpose.

As hard as it is to hear, Luz became a distant memory. The human mother gave up hope and held a funeral for her lost child after five years of her disappearance. She visits her empty grave once a year on her birthday, but that's it.

It was Hugo's second birthday today and Camila was baking a cake while Jacob plays with his son. She hum's a song, very out of tune, while she cracks the egg's into the bowl of ingredients. "Jacob? Can you help me turn on the oven timer? Es demasiado confuso para mi."

Jacob walks into the kitchen laughing "Darling. I'm trying here. I really am. But I don't understand what you just said to me. Something about confusing?" He walks behind Camila and hugs her from behind, kissing her head with a big smile.

"Close! I said it's too confusing for me. Can you do it for me?" Camila smiles at her husband's embrace and leans into his kisses.

Jacob turn's his wife around and kisses her passionately. He pulls away "Haría cualquier cosa por ti." He smiles, proud of himself.

Camila laughs out loud "How long did that take you to perfect?"

Jacob rolls his eyes and laughs along with his wife "I practice that line in the mirror every morning before work." He winks at her and sets the oven to bake the cake properly. The two are laughing, enjoying each other's company when Hugo starts to cry. Jacob sighs with a smile still on his face "I got him. You relax a bit."

Camila thanks him and he exits the room to attend to their child. She takes a deep breath, thanking the heavens she got this second chance. While Camila is enjoying the moment, her phone starts to ring. "Hm. Unknown number. Wonder who this could be." She picks up her phone and answers the call "Hello?"


Eda and Lilith walk through the portal with scarves wrapped around their heads to cover their pointy ears. When Eda walks off into the woods, Lilith takes each step with hesitation "Edalyn!" Eda turns and looks at her sister like she's late and needs to get going "What are we doing here! I don't think this a good idea, whatever it is you are planning."

Eda turns back around and continues on her path, determined "Lilly, there's no time to explain. We have to get going."

Lilith runs to catch up with her sister and grabs her arm, forcing her to stop and face her once again "Edalyn! Tell me why we are here or I'm dragging us both back through the portal."

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