Titan's Revenge

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Luz wakes up to a familiar voice, nagging her until she wakes up. "Luz~" Luz jerks her head up and realizes that she is currently asleep, due to the fact that the Titan is in front of her, currently in his cage. "Ah good! You're finally here."

Luz's eyes continue their red glow as she quickly stands and brushes herself off "What happened? Did they send her back?" Luz is frantically looking around, trying to make herself wake up. She pinches her arm, attempting to wake.

The Titan observes Luz's behavior, noting her eyes aren't dimming, raising an eyebrow at this detail "Calm down human. I saw the whole thing."

"Obviously. You kept constantly nagging me when I was confronting them." Luz scoffs and rolls her eyes, still trying to wake herself up.

"It's no use." He sits still in his cage, still observing the human's distressed attitude "We're both prisoners for now. Might as well get comfortable."

Luz sighs in defeat and takes a seat in front of the cage "Now what? They're obviously going to do something about you. Guess it's over. Right when I started to trust you again." Luz mumbled the last sentence.

The Titan heard the last part but acted as if he didn't. "It's not over yet. I have a plan." The Titan takes his gaze off Luz, waiting for her interest to peak.

"What plan?" Luz asks though she's now calm, however her eyes hold their glow.

The Titan holds back an evil grin and looks at Luz out of the corner of his eyes "You could set me free?" Luz doesn't move, just ponders his proposition "Come on Luz. You and I both know you don't have the skill to take on Lilith and Eda on your own. Let me deal with them and you can enchant your mind again and I will stay in this cage until your last dying breath."

Luz stands up and turns from the Titan, bringing her hand to her chin, seriously considering the Titan's plan "You're just going to take control of me again and hurt everyone I care about. Why would I let you do that again?"

The Titan stands and grips his cage "Luz. I've learned my lesson last time. I won't hurt the Clawthorne's, I'll only arrest them and make an example out of them. You need to show that you won't be pushed around by anyone!"

"I- I don't know." Luz paces back and forth, really considering the Titan's offer. "I can't risk their safety like that. I'm angry but they would never actually hurt me. Right?"


Eda is carrying Luz's unconscious body while following her sister and the Blight through the castle halls. Some guards have stopped them, but Odalia quickly waved them off, saying Luz passed out due to the workload. The three witches walked deep into the castle, to the basement where no guards were stationed and where they would be alone.

"So remind me again, why are we here?" Eda get's an uneasy feeling "This place is creepy!"

Lilith walks next to Odalia and answers her sister "It's the only place where no one would dare to go. This place is where emperor Belos would go to communicate with the Titan. He said it was a sacred place only reserved for him. The only one authorized to be down here is Luz herself."

As Lilith finishes explaining, the green-haired witch added "It's also secluded. No one can hear anything if things take a turn for the worst."

Eda shivers at the end of the Blight's sentence. Her eyes dart to the statues and the throne made out of a skull at the end of the room. The wild witch grips onto the human's unconscious body tighter, feeling protective over her. "Ok let's just get this over with. Where's- you know- the body?"

Lilith and Odalia come to a halt and look at each other before turning to the witch holding Luz. Lilith sighs and draws a spell circle, creating an area for Eda to place Luz into. "Edalyn, please place Luz there." Lilith points to the highlighted area and her sister complies. As Luz lays on the floor, Lilith draws another circle, creating chains to restrain the human, for when she wakes up "Edalyn, Odalia, please join hands with me so we can enchant the chains. Let's just hope they're strong enough to hold her." The three witches join hands and chant an incantation in hopes the chains temporarily disable Luz's magic. 

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