A Conformatorium slumber party!

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I'm researching how to write a good fight scene. There's no fighting in this chapter but I hope to change that soon.


The Boiling Isles can be a beautiful place. The exotic creatures that roam them can also be wonderful to look at. However, at night, it's a dangerous, scary place. Especially for a human who can't do magic naturally.

Luz 'borrowed' an emperor's guard staff for the journey alone through the woods. Luckily for her, Kikimora taught her the geography of the Boiling Isles when she was 7 years old. Belos saw it necessary for her to learn if she was to ever take his place as empress. She also trains with Lilith to work on battle strategy if she were ever attacked.

Luz has become very capable of taking care of herself, especially in self-defense. Steve will always test her by randomly attacking her to make sure she would be ready for any situation to come.

At this moment, Luz was very grateful for her past lessons, due to the fact that Eda isn't good at giving directions. All she said was, 'the owl house was deep in the orange pine forest.'

It took Luz about 2 1/2 hours to find the owl house, and let's just say she was a little cranky. "Hello!?!? Eda!?!? You need to work on your directions considering it took me two and a half hours to find your house! I mean really, I know the Boiling like the back of my hand, and I still couldn't find it!!" Luz is basically yelling at the house at this point. "Not like you care anyway, you just want me to steal something for you and that's it. Why would a criminal have actual feelings." Luz is now mumbling under her breath to herself, pissed off and tired.

As if this night couldn't get any worse, a voice finally fills the silence "Hoot, hoot. If you want the answer that you seek, solve my riddle within a week."

Luz groans out loud, aggravated "No, weird bird tube. Let me in to see Eda."

The strange figure in the door continues the riddle "Hoot. I am not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I? Hoot!"

Without hesitation, Luz yells "Fire! Now let me in."

"FIRE WHERE!!! HOOOOT!!!" The bird tube opens the door to scream "FIRE!!!"

Luz walks past the door into the strange house when suddenly she hears a familiar voice "Hooty! There's no fire. You have to stop telling that riddle. You fall for it every time." Eda now standing before Luz, groans in disappointment. "Oh hey human. I see you've met Hooty. What took you so long?"

Luz growing more frustrated "Well I would have been here sooner if your directions were accurate, but they weren't."

"Woah, easy there kid. Relax. My bad. Now before you throw a... child... tantrum? Let me introduce you to my friend." Eda now points to the hallway where a large shadow appears.

"Who dares enters the house of the king of demons!" Luz how doesn't flinch, knowing demons are tiny creatures and can't hurt her.

King appears in the doorway of the living room with his paws on his hips. "Bow before your King, you scrawny human!"

Luz is unimpressed "this is your friend? He's a lot.... smaller than I imagined."

Eda bursts into laughter while King becomes very angry with Luz's comment "How dare you disrespect the king of demons. You should cower before me, and I might just show you mercy."

Luz walks up to King and picks King up like a doll "I will admit. You are kind of cute. So what was stolen from you little guy? Did someone take your crown?" Luz was now using a voice she would use for a toddler.

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