Grom Night Pt. 2

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Grom Pt. 2!!!

Uhhh don't hate me. I love Luz, but I just can't seem to give the girl a break...
It get's DARK!



Luz and Amity walk together with their fingers intertwined. Every step towards the doors of Hexside feels like a marathon for both of the girls.

As Luz reaches for the door Amity yanks the human away and turns her around so they are facing each other. Luz is shocked and confused by the witches' actions but doesn't resist. Amity sighs "Luz please just remember it's just a monster. Whatever you see is what you're scared of. It's not real."

Luz smile and lets out a breath of relief "Oh my goodness Ams. I thought you were backing out for a second." She wipes away a bead of sweat and continues "No I know it's just a big glob shape-shifter. Now can we go and enjoy ourselves?"

Amity wants to, she really does. She wants to forget all of her worries and insecurities and just dance the night away. But the witch can't shake the feeling whatever Luz is going to see is going to shake her to her core. The witch forces a smile "Yes. Sorry. Let's go show those witches whose empress!"

With that, the two walk through the doors of their shared school and make their way to the gym where the social event of the season is being held. The hallways were decorated and there were fliers scattered everywhere. Some students were lingering, having small innocent conversations, while Luz spotted a couple of upperclassmen making out in some of the empty classrooms. Finally, the time has arrived.

Luz and Amity walk into the gym, hand in hand, and just smile at the view. As they walked in they see Willow casting plant spells for the students to add to their outfits. Willow even made a flower for Boscha which made the three-eyed witch blush. As Luz's eyes wander further, she notices Gus and King laughing together, standing by the stage. Edric and Emira are standing together by the punch bowl, waiting for their dates to arrive, while also trying to spike it. Luz smiles to herself and sighs in relief and continues her gaze through the crowd.

The human finally comes across the Clawthorne sisters, looking a bit on edge. Lilith keeps looking at the time like a bomb is about to go off, while Eda just crosses her arms and taps her finger rapidly like she's waiting for something. Luz knows that the sisters cant be a bit overdramatic sometimes and just smiles at the fact of how well they get along.

Amity grabs Luz's attention "Hey. W-would you happen to- I don't know- like maybe- Dance?"

Luz notices Amity's nervousness and decides to answer playfully, hoping to show her witch that she can relax. "Wait! Did the Amity Blight just ask me to Dance? I am truly honored! I don't know what to say. The star student of Hexside wants to dance with me!"

Amity smiles and laughs. Luz's plan worked "Ha. Ha. I'm just going to assume that as a yes."

Amity pulls the human onto the dance floor and gains a sudden burst of confidence. She pulls Luz close and rests both arms on the humans' shoulders. Luz goes with the flow and rests her hands on the witch's waist. The two sway to the music, not breaking eye contact for a second. The only expression found on either of the girls' faces was joy.

Emira and Edric watched the two from afar, silently cheering on their little sister and her great romance. Eda and Lilith relaxed a bit, seeing the two girls enjoying their time.

Luz never danced before but wasn't nervous. Not with Amity. She felt safe so close to her. Amity on the other hand had ballroom dance lessons when she was younger, due to Odalia's enforcement. Amity internally thanked her mother for what she thought were pointless lessons. Almost all eyes were on the human and the witch, but they didn't seem to notice or care.

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