Internal struggle

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Sorry I haven't been updating! I'm having writer's block and struggling with how to end the story. Not giving up. Just trying to make it perfect! Comment if you have any suggestions.


Luz lies in bed, exhausted from the day she has had. Yesterday she reinstated petrification, and let's just say some witches weren't particularly happy about it. Luz hasn't been able to see any of her friends due to her going over all the prisoners to be petrified in three days. Luz was honestly nervous about what her close friends will think. Nothing good, right? 

Lilith hasn't returned yet and Eda hasn't made contact either. Luz wants to make amends but now is scared to face both of them.

Luz is lost in her conflicted emotions when the Titan decides to speak "Luz! Go to bed and let's have a chat. I have a lot I would like to say to you." Luz doesn't groan or even fight the urge. She simply gives into the Titan's wishes. 


"What do you want?" Her voice isn't hostile or cold. It only has exhaustion and fear in it.

The Titan sits in his cage, internally smiling at the human's vulnerability "I hear all of your thoughts rambling on about a million different things. Would you like to talk about them?"

Luz looks at the Titan confused. Should she really trust the Titan after everything he's done. She really can't tell. First, he tries to help her with her memories. Then, he possesses' her body and tries to take over the Boiling Isles. But he did give her his magic and teach her how to use it. The human is torn and can't think straight. 

"How do I know I can trust you? You've proven yourself to be difficult at times." Luz says while looking at the floor.

The Titan shifts in his cage trying to hear Luz's thoughts, but failing. Whenever Luz is asleep and talking to the Titan 'in person' her thoughts go silent "Luz, I am a prisoner in your mind. What could I possibly do? Unless you want to undo this silly enchantment and let me go?"

Luz scolds the Titan "Yeah. Like I'm going to do that."

"Why not?" The Titan pushes ever so slightly "I would finally be out of your head constantly. I would have no magic considering you have it. I don't have a body to live in. Unless you can find a body for me which would be insane." He looks down trying to bait Luz.

Luz takes the bait, falling for his manipulation "Wait. What do you mean 'find you a body?'"

He smiles menacingly "Luz I can possess people with their permission. But if the host happens to be dead, it's free real estate."

"So if I can find you a body." Luz thinks aloud, abandoning all rational thought, which was conveniently being blocked by the Titan "Then you can be a physical prisoner and not trapped in my head, annoying me every second!" Luz now looks up like this was a good plan.

The Titan pats himself on the back, impressed at how easily it was to manipulate the human into his plan "Either way, I'm your prisoner. I'd just rather be alive, and not stuck inside a fourteen-year-old girl's head, with all of your gay thoughts!"

"Hey! Stay out of my head!" Luz blushes in embarrassment, knowing exactly what thoughts he's speaking of.

"I can't. I'm trapped here. That is until you release me into another prison." The Titan tries to sell his act by looking disappointed.

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