First Day

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Long chapter. I got carried away and instead of cutting it into 2 parts, I just combined it. Enjoy!!!


"This is it, Luz. Today is the day! You're going to go to school and make friends your age, and show that humans can do magic too!" Luz was currently talking to herself in the mirror, showing off her glyphs when suddenly a knock on the door was heard.

"Luz, you ready for your first day at Hexside?" Steve said with excitement in his voice.

"Heck yeah! I'll finally be able to make friends my age! No offense!" Luz says as fast as possible not meaning any harm to Steve's feelings. "No one could ever replace The Steve. The personal guard to Emperor Belos' daughter Luz!" She says in an "official" voice, while both hands on her hips holding back her laughter.

"It's ok Kiddo I totally get it. I want you to have better friends than me. I have to be your friend, even though I don't like you that much..." Steve says sarcastically trying to keep a straight face.

Both burst out laughing. While it's true, Steve's job is to protect Luz, but they truly have become so close. Luz considers Steve to be an older brother of some sort and Steve considers Luz to be a younger sister.

As the laughing faded away Steve regained composure and told Luz what he came to say, "Remember kiddo, be yourself, but don't tell the other kids who your father is. That might cause trouble and unwanted attention. If anyone asks, I'm your older brother that looks after you, who happens to be in the emperors' coven."

"I know! Steve... thank you for being there for me every step of the way. Now that I'm 14, I finally get to see what school is like and witness the useless drama. Ooo! Maybe I'll meet a hot, yet vulnerable upperclassman." Luz says in her creepy voice that gives Steve chills every time.

"Luz, you mean the world to me and I wouldn't let anything happen to you. I'll always be there for you. But if you bring an upperclassman home, I will personally turn them into a toad." Steve says in an overprotective tone.

As the two are conversing, Kikimora enters Luz's room and tells her Emperor Belos would like to have a word with her before she leaves for her first day. Luz groans but complies.

Luz skips with joy throughout the hallways of the castle, on her way to her father's throne room. "One day this will all be mine." Luz thinks to herself in excitement.

As she nears the doors she passes Steve's crush(which Steve finally told her about just last year), with who she's grown quite close ever since her potion prank. "Hey, Lilith! How are you on this fine morning!"

Lilith laughs and shakes her head, " I'm swamped with paperwork as always. Are you ready for your first day at Hexside?"

"Am I! I'll finally get to talk to people without being escorted every second of the day!" Luz says beaming with excitement.

Lilith could have sworn she saw actual sparkles in Luz's eyes."I'm glad to hear! I mentor one of the students there. I believe she's the same age as you. I can bring you with me one day and you can meet her."

"Thanks, Lilith I would love to do that! Anyway, I have to go and see the big man before I leave for school! But before I do, can you do me a solid and keep Steve company today? With him not by my side twenty four seven, I'm afraid he's going to get lonely." Luz says with a mischievous smile as she thinks to herself. "Steve said to never metal in his business, but he never said anything about shenanigans."

Lilith almost immediately blushes at the request and looks away to hide it, not fooling anyone. "Sure. If that is the emperor's daughter's request. I would be honored."

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