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Where is season 2!!!! I need my daily dose of Eda being an icon! On another note, anyone watch Amphibia?!?!?!? Disney channel is really killing it in the animated show department. Anyway, sorry for killing Steve... I loved him as well. Enjoy the chapter!!!


Three days have passed since the Titans attempt to take total control over Luz. There was a service the next day for the fallen emperor and Steve and all of the Boiling Isles attended the funeral. It was held at the castle, and it was filled with beautiful plants, planted by Willow, and was decorated by Gus, Edric, and Emira's illusions. Luz's attendance at the funeral finally put all rumors about the mysterious human to rest. Now everyone knows that she's about to be coronated as their new empress.

Luz hasn't said a single word to anyone or anything. In fact, she hasn't spoken or eaten since the clean-up of the Titans mess. Lilith and Eda have been spending every day with the human to try and cheer her up but to no avail. Eda's also been noticing that Luz is avoiding sleep now. It's quite obvious due to the bags under her eyes, and her sluggish attitude. The owl lady understands Luz's situation and what she just went through, so she isn't going to leave the human's side until she fully recovers back to her normal self. Amity tries to see Luz, but Lilith and Eda don't think it's a good idea at the moment, so the young witch resorts to texting her, but Luz just ignores all and any contact. Luz's eyes changed as well. Her eyes are still a chestnut brown, but ever since the enchantment to keep the Titan imprisoned in her mind, whenever she gets angry, a slight red glow appears. It's not as dominant as the Titans red glow, but it's still there. This was first discovered when Luz looked at her own reflection, she lost it and punched the mirror and when the guards ran in to see what happened, they stepped away in fear at the humans' red eyes.

With Luz wielding the power of the Titan now, a lot more witches have a newfound respect for the human, including Kikimora. But Luz refuses to use her power, in fear of what she did to Steve and her adoptive father. Eda offers to teach Luz how to control her magic, but Luz refuses to even cast a light spell.

Today was different though. Willow, Gus, and Amity all agreed to go get Luz out of the castle, and take her to the fair in town. The three meet up at the owl house first, so that Eda can take them on Owlbert. Willow, Gus, and Eda seem to be chatty, but Amity is kind of mad at the lack of effort Luz is putting into her own recovery. 

The four witches arrive at the castle and are greeted by Lilith and a couple of guards. The head coven leader seems to be on edge today and is not confident about her sisters' arrival. "Edalyn, I'm not sure today is a good day. Luz is running on zero hours of sleep again, and she's extremely on edge due to her coronation tomorrow."

"This is exactly why she needs to get out. First, she needs to eat junk food with her friends. Next, she has to have fun with the three musketeers. Then finally, we have got to tire her out so she sleeps." Eda says as she walks past her sister and into the castle.

Lilith plays with her hands, like a nervous tick, while she follows her once wanted sister. Willow turns to Gus and Amity "Hey guys, maybe one day Luz can show us the relics hall. I've always wanted to try the Green Thumb Gauntlet!! It has the power to grow whatever you want!!!"

Gus squeals "Yes!!! I want to try the Oracle Sphere. It tells you the path to become your best self."

The two turn to Amity wondering if she has anything else to add. "I just want to get her out of bed first. Then when she's better, I'll worry about relics." Amity shoots the two a glare. Willow and Gus look down, ashamed they're thinking of themselves when the sole purpose they're there is to help their friend.

The three young witches come to a stop as Eda nears a grand door "Ok! We're here!" She turns to Luz's friends "Listen, this might be hard to see. She hasn't been the same, and that's why today is so important. Today will show her that we're not going anywhere. Ok?" They nod and Eda ponders how to go about this "Ok now I think we all go in at once and ease her out of bed."

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