The years inbetween

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Luz got comfortable very quickly. She became best friends with Steve within the first week. While growing up, Luz's only friend was Steve. Sure she would be friendly with all the coven members, but Steve always stuck around, even though it was technically his whole job. Steve grew to love Luz like a little sister and Luz saw Steve as an older brother.

Belos wanted to have a relationship with the human for some reason. So Luz and Belos would have dinner every night together, just the two of them. No one knew what his intentions were with the human. Not even Kikimora. But Luz loved their time together and would use the dinner to talk about her day and learn about his.

As soon as Luz started to grow, Belos arranged for her to have a new wardrobe that she would fit in. It was basically just the coven uniform, but skinny jeans and no mask. She would also have a robe similar to Belos. But this was only worn either on special occasions or Belos' request.

Belos had decided when Luz turned 14, she would attend Hexside to learn magic the 'proper' way among teens her age. Belos would one day fit Luz for her own staff similar to his, so she can do powerful magic like himself. Of course, he would have to fully learn to trust and accept her first.

As the years passed, Luz hung around the coven members, learning everything she could about magic. She would spend most of her days at the library in town with Steve and would research for hours to see if humans can do magic without a bile sack. Steve would often escort her through town to protect her if anything ever happened. He would be in normal attire to not draw attention. Luz wasn't allowed to converse with the citizens of Bonesburrow in fear she would slip up and tell people that she's basically the daughter of the emperor.

Luz was homeschooled by Kikimora and a few of the high-ranking coven members. Kiki was very strict on Luz and would not tolerate and insolent behavior. She learned what every young witch would learn in pre and elementary school. But obviously, her education was superior due to her situation.

One day Luz received a scroll phone as a gift from Belos for her 10th birthday.
(the 8th-anniversary Kikimora brought her to Belos)
Luz decided to film Steve doing magic and saw symbols inside of the circles He created. She decided to draw the symbols on paper and discovered glyph magic. Belos was not impressed, or so he said, but Luz felt extremely accomplished. She showed off her skills to all the guards and they were mesmerized because they've never heard of a human doing magic.

Luz was known for being friendly towards all of the new members of the coven and provided them comfort and entertainment on stressful days. Everyone loved her around the castle.

She and Steve would even pull pranks on new coven members just for the fun of it.

Kikimora was not a fan of these and would always tell Luz not to participate in these childish pranks. Luz didn't listen though, and would very rarely get caught. But when she did Kikimora would definitely punish her with extra work around the castle.

Luz loved pulling pranks on high-ranking members of the coven. Especially one particular witch. She was a talented young witch rising within the ranks. Luz loved the way she would react to her pranks.

Luz's best prank yet was changing her shampoo with a potion to dye her hair from orange to blue. She was furious but then later thanked Luz because of the many compliments she received that day. Her new hairstyle also caught the attention of Steve, which Luz didn't notice because she's the most oblivious person ever.

As Luz matures, Steve tells her about his crush. Luz doesn't quite understand love yet but is very happy for Steve and tries to help him but setting them up on assignments together.

While Luz still had her optimism and fun attitude, she can also be very studious, and serious. Due to her growing up with Kiki and Belos as her parental figures, there were a lot of strict rules and consequences if Luz didn't obey all of the rules. Which sometimes she didn't follow and would regret greatly.
(She WAS NOT abused)

Belos sometimes allows Luz to sit in during his meetings to get a feel of what being emperor means and the responsibility it holds. She takes these meetings very seriously and leaves her wild imagination out of the throne room.

It's weird to think of Belos as a father to Luz but Luz didn't think anything of it. She honestly loved him. Yes, he was feared throughout the Isles. But Luz knew a different side of him no one else saw. She knew he was a big ol'softy towards her. Belos denies their connection because he thought if people saw their relationship, they would only see that as a weakness.

Luz doesn't have any memory of Camilla or James. How could she? She realizes she's human and different from everyone on the Isles, but doesn't question it due to the weirdness of the realm. Steve always tells her the story of how she just walked up to him, and how Belos and Kikimora took her in and raised her. Luz never questioned where she came from because the truth is, no one really knew.

Belos kept Luz a secret from the Isles, except for everyone in the coven. Yes she visited town, but she was basically undercover with Steve guarded at all times. People know that she's the only human in the realm, but that's it. No one knows where she lives or who watches over her. She's a mystery to those outside the castle and Belos wants to keep it that way, so Luz can have a chance at a normal life.

While Luz is living it up in the Boiling Isles, Camilla is suffering greatly. The day Luz disappeared, so did Camilla's will to live. She became very depressed and moved back home with her mother.

Camilla searched for Luz every day for three years. She stopped going to work, eating, sleeping. Camilla's mother, Jeanne, is the only reason she's alive right now.

Camilla replays that day in her mind every night before she goes to bed. Unfortunately, her thoughts traveled 100 miles per hour. How could she just leave her daughter and go to work, after she promised to go to the park with her? Why didn't she realize she went missing right away? What kind of mother does that? She cried herself to sleep almost every night, thinking of her two rays of sunshine, gone.

Throughout the city on every corner, there was a missing poster of two-year-old Luz, in her sweater. Camilla had one on her nightstand, as a reminder. "I'm never going to give up on you Luz. Te encontraté y volveremos a ser felices. Prometo"

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