The Blights

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2K?!!!??!?!! Love you guys so much!!! Enjoy the chapter and have a fantastic day!!


Lilith, Eda and Steve are all at the Blight house, trying to conduct a plan to help out Luz. The three Blight children are also trying to help out the human they've all grown a liking to.

"Wait..." Edric says extremely surprised "So Luz the human. The same human we met on multiple occasions. Is the emperor's daughter..." He stares off into the distance.

Emira also says surprised "Are you sure? Luz. The Luz Amity has a massive crush on. Luz the human, is in line to rule the Boiling Isles..."

Amity blushed and cut in having a gay panic "WHA- I DO NOT LIK- WHA- THAT'S INSANE..." everyone looks at Amity, giving her the look, telling her that it's obvious "Ug... whatever. She's too oblivious to know anyway. Let's just continue the plan." Amity is now slouching back into the couch crossing her arms.

Lilith is about to continue planning but is interrupted by the ringing of her coven communicator. "Everyone silent. This is Kikimora. She can not know anything." Everyone stops talking and stares at the older Clawthorne sister. She takes a deep breath and answers "Hello? This is Lilith."

Kikimora appears on the little screen "Lilith. The emperor has instructed you to attend dinner at the Blight manor tonight. You will be accompanied by his daughter. The Blight parents have already been notified."

Everyone looked at Lilith in pure confusion. Eda mumbles under her breath so only the Blight children could hear "Well that was easy."

Lilith answers Kiki "Alright not a problem. Should I take the emperor's daughter personally or will she be escorted by the Blight parents?"

"That won't be necessary. The Blights have already agreed to bring Luz to their home personally, with the exception of a couple of guards." Kiki says not breaking a sweat.

Lilith looks around in hopes their plan to help Luz might go easier than they first anticipated "Ok. Thank you, Kiki. Will that be all?"

Kikimora gives a devilish smirk as she mentions "Actually there is." Everyone listens intensely "Luz was caught lying to the emperor directly about meeting with a wanted criminal, who happens to be your sister. The emperor took it upon himself to fix these defective memories, so he's decided to rewrite her mind. So if you notice a character change, do not be alarmed. Oh and also bring Steve. We should give him one last meal with her before he is demoted." The communicator cuts out and leaves the room silent.

Eda's rage grows inside her "What does she mean 'he decided to rewrite her mind!' Lilly?"

Lilith and Steve exchange looks before looking back down. Steve looks at the worried Blight kids and the enraged owl Lady "Um. So again, every year I have to make sure no unwanted memories are 'unlocked', but as I said, I refused. Belos probably went into her mind himself and saw that we released her inner self and unlocked her biological parent's memory. He probably also saw everything... else." Steve trails off into deep thought, only feeling regret.

Amity sits up and turns her attention to the two coven members sitting in front of her "What does that mean?" Now Eda, the twins, and Amity are all staring at Lilith who's also looking down at her lap.

"It means..." Lilith hesitantly looks at everyone "It means, that it won't be the Luz any of you have met. She probably won't remember anyone except for me and Steve." She motions to herself and Steve. Steve can bare the sad looks on anyone's face.

Except they're not all sad, but angry. Eda is angry that Belos thinks he can do whatever he wants when it comes to the human, and Amity is angry that Luz won't remember all the progress they've made over the couple weeks they've known each other.

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