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Crimson red illuminated the setting around the Titan as he slowly regained his consciousness. He growled at the fact that he was temporarily incapacitated by a couple of common witches. He struggles for a bit, realizing that he was trapped in a random room, tied up. Because he doesn't have his full power, he is unable to cast a spell to set himself free, due to the fact that his hands are tied and he can't draw a full spell circle. As seconds pass by, he becomes more awake and aggravated as he struggles to break free. The Titan, out of frustration, yells as loud as he can, making the castle shake. Then the door swings open and two guards rush to the Titan's side, casting two spells, freeing him from the chains that held him captive.

He stands up immediately and grabs one of the guards by the collar and screams "Tell all the guards to be on the lookout for Aldor Blight! I want him petrified along with the Clawthorne sisters and the guards helping him! I will not lose the human to a bunch of puny witches who have forgotten their places!" He throws the shaking guard onto the floor and walks out of the room with anger seeping from his ears. 

The two guards run in the opposite direction to let the whole coven know to arrest Aldor and the guards he's with on sight.

The Titan walks down the halls, leaving every guard that lays their eyes on him in fear. His eyes grow brighter by the second as he storms into the throne room "KIKIMORA!" The petite creature rushes to the Titan's aid and bows "We're leaving now!" He grabs her by her collar and drags her along. 

She tries to keep up with his pace, but her small legs fail her and she constantly trips and ends up being dragged along the fuming Titan. "My liege, what's with the sudden urgency? We have yet to get the citizens to the Conformatorium."

He stops and picks her up so they are at eye level. He growls and brings her close "I don't care about all of that! I want them all to pay for their treason! I want the human to suffer and watch all those who are close to her die! She has taken my power and my throne and I want it all back! But first, she needs to pay the price!" His voice echos through the whole castle, sending shivers down all and any who hear his voice. "I'm done with having fun. This needs to end NOW!"


Luz opens her eyes that have the same glow as the Titans. She sits up, on the carriage floor and seems to be out of breath. The human takes a moment and tries to calm her breathing, while her eyes remain a crimson red.

Boscha looks at Amity who seems to have no expression at the moment. Then the tree-eyed witch turns to the human and studies her glowing eyes "Hey Luz. How ya been?"

Luz smiles at the witch's question and turns her gaze to the three eyes fixated on her "Boscha. Could be better." The pink-haired witch won't admit it, but she's relieved the human is awake now. All she does is smile and nod at Luz's response.

Luz laughs and Willow and Gus both jump onto the human and engulf her into a bear hug. "Luz! It's so good to see you awake!" Willow mumbles while she squeezes Luz's neck. Gus wraps his arms around her waist and yells out "Oh my Titan, I'm so happy you're awake! The Titan is literally going to kill us all!"

Luz just smiles and relaxes in her two friends' embrace "Not on my watch!" They both pull away and smile towards their friend, ignoring her obvious change in eye color. Luz then turns to the green-haired witch who seems to be a little distant, not breaking her eye contact. Luz struggles to get up but manages. She now faces Amity who stands up, meeting the human at eye level. "Amity?"

Amity just stares at the red eyes before her "Is this real? Or is this another trick from the Titan?"

Luz smiles and tilts her head, getting lost for a moment in her golden eyes "This is real. No more prisons. We're really standing here." Amity takes a step closer to Luz, still hesitant about the whole situation. Then as they both stare at each other, Amity slaps Luz in the face, surprising everyone in the back of the carriage. "Ow." Luz cups her own cheek as a red mark slowly appears.

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