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Thank you guys for 15k!
Incredibly grateful for all of the readers who read and vote for this fic!
I really put a lot of effort into this fic and you guys just make it worth it!

I high key got this idea from Gravity Falls and put my own little twist on it.


Two weeks ago.

"Tell Amity I'm sorry. She deserves someone better than me. I don't know why I thought I could ever make her happy."

Luz can't help but think Amity deserves the stars to bow down to her. That Amity Blight deserves all the love on the Isles. Amity deserves someone better, anyone, but her.

"I Luz, Empress of the Boiling Isles, disenchant my mind to no longer be a prison for the Titan who inhabits it."  

She has to do this. The Titan has always had the upper hand. Luz never stood a chance. The human hopes Eda and Lilith will finally put her out of her misery once the Titan is in full control. She hopes she can just go away so that everyone else can finally live their lives without her causing pain.

"I'm sorry Eda. I just can't anymore."

This is for the best. Luz can finally get out of the way, and hopefully, just be done. Maybe the Titan will finally just get rid of her for imprisoning her. Maybe the Titan will take back his power and let Luz just rest.

But no. Eda and Lilith just had to save her, they just had to put the Titan in the one person she had to part with. The one who could read her like a book. They had to use Steve's body. Luz felt her mind go blank as soon as the Titan's voice disappeared. It was relieving yet scary. Because with the Titan, Luz was never alone. But now, she was all alone, defeated.


Amity flutters her eyes open, blinded by the sun. The witch takes a moment to adjust to the sudden brightness shining on her. She raises her hand in an attempt to block out the sun, trying to figure out where she is, and how can she find her human. "Luz?" She calls out, hoping to receive an immediate answer. But things were never that easy, were they. Amity had a million questions like 'What kind of prison is she dealing with?' 'Is Luz locked up, or is she just randomly waltzing about?' 'Does Luz know that she's in a prison?'

The Blight took in her surroundings, recognizing where she is currently situated. "The market?" Amity mumbles under her breath, extremely confused. She quickly scans the crowd for round ears, hoping to catch sight of Luz. But no, she instead lies her sights on something stranger. The witch cocks an eyebrow stands in her place dumbfounded "Ed, Em?"

The twins shot their heads up and smile at their younger sister and dart towards her. "Mittens!" They say in unison while bombarding her with hugs. Amity grasps for air as the two older Blight's squeeze her tightly. They collectively put her down and Edric ruffles Amity's neatly tied hair "Good to see you Mittens! Long time no see." Emira nods with her brother and pinches her little sister's cheeks "Yeah! We were starting to forget what you looked like!"

Amity throws her brother's hand off of her head and slaps her sister's hand to stop the pinching. After regaining her composer she looks at her older siblings like they have been cursed "What are you two bone heads talking about? We were literally just together at the castle! The real question is, how did you two get here?"

Edric and Emira share a glance and turn back to their little sister. They look at her with concern for a moment and then break out into laughter "Ha! Good one Mitten's." Edric says while holding his stomach. Emira bursts in tears, laughing so hard "Yeah Mittens! Look's like while you were gone, you and your girlfriend really developed a sense of humor!"

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