Proper Goodbye

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Seven years later.

Luz sat on the throne, going over plans with Lilith and Odalia about the anniversary of the Titan's defeat. The human was now 21 and thriving as the Emperess. These past seven years, the human has become overwhelmingly powerful. Like no witch could even compare to the girl.

Every year since the night of the Conformatorium, Luz made that specific day a holiday, celebrating the freedom of the Boiling Isles from the Titan's manipulation. The entire Boiling Isles would take a day off and celebrate with festivals. It was a day for friends and family. The best tradition, according to Luz, was when the witches would get together and make a giant statue of the Titan made of hay, and burn it in the middle of their town square. It was honestly the highlight of everyone's night.

For Luz and the gang, they would always go to the castle and celebrate together their past victory. But before the day even starts, Luz always makes it her mission to visit Steve's petrified statue which resides, where his and Emperor Belos' grave was. 

The statue always gave Luz mixed feelings. On one hand, it was Steve's face and inviting eyes, which was a warm familiar feeling to Luz. On the other, the last memories with his body weren't so inviting. Instead, it only brought the girl trauma and guilt.

But that didn't foil the humans' day. Instead, it gave her the drive to be the best leader she could be. To treat all her subjects as equals, and to listen to other points of view when it came time to make any sort of major decision. This alone made Luz a beloved leader. Most looked past her different species aspects and her young age and focused only on her kind heart.


Luz looks towards the green-haired witch who called out her name and shook her head. She wasn't really paying attention as her mind wandered elsewhere "Huh?"

Odalia sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, visibly stress with the celebration they're attending later "Luz please pay attention, this is very important."

"Sorry! I promise it won't happen again. Now please repeat what you just said." Luz gives the witch a crooked smile while Lilith laughs under her breath at the human's ill attempt for an apology.

The Blight sighs and removes her hand, and summons a clipboard so it appears directly in front of Luz "As you know you must make an appearance at the festival. Now that the holiday is more popular, I propose that we take a bit more security than last year. You know with the Titan riots."

Luz rolls her eyes at the mention of the rioters. It was a small cult that started to worship the Titan and renounce any future leader of the Boiling Isles that belittled him. They attempted to save the hay statue last year while trying to curse Luz in the process. Luckily most of them were imprisoned and petrified, but some still got away.

Lilith steps forward "I agree. We all know that you could easily handle these hooligans, but we just want to be extra cautious. Can't risk any more attempts on your life."

Luz rises from her throne and begins to walk out of the throne room, with the two witches following closely behind "Yeah, yeah, do whatever you two will make you most comfortable. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a quick date to attend to." Luz winks and Odalia and Lilith and vanishes before their eyes. 

Luz disappears and Odalia and Lilith just stare at the space that once occupied the human. The green-haired witch laughs and turns to her colleague "I hate it when she does that."

"Tell me about it. She does it all the time when I bring up the human realm." Lilith sighs and begins to walk with the Blight, down the hallway "She really needs to face it one day. As much as she doesn't want to."

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