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Sorry, this is a late update. I've been really busy!! I'm doing my best!
Also Reminder!!
The Titan is controlling Luz's body like the body swap episode.


Lilith paces back and forth, outside the throne room, accompanied by a worried father. Odalia stayed back home to be there when the twins wake up, and Aldor is leading the search party with Lilith, for Luz and Amity.

The doors open to reveal Kikimora, with folded hands, and squinted eyes to show she's smiling. "The emperor is ready for you both. I must warn you, he's not pleased with the news he's just received."

Lilith suddenly feels a massive weight on her chest, almost like the bat Queen herself is sitting on her. Kikimora opens the door fully to reveal emperor Belos on his throne, and the heart beating rapidly. Lilith is hesitant at first, but Aldor gives her a push start. Every step is heard throughout the castle. Lilith can see all the guards and read them like they were a book. All she saw in their eyes, was fear.

What took 30 seconds, felt like hours. Lilith finally approached the foot of the throne, with Aldor and Kikimora standing behind the coven leader. She swallows the bowling ball in her throat, and greets the emperor "My liege... you requested to see me."

Emperor Belos wasted no time. He slammed his staff and Lilith was frozen, surrounded by the red of his spell casting "Not only did my daughter get kidnapped, but she was kidnapped by your sister! I will not tolerate failure anymore Lilith. If you do not have my daughter in her room in 24 hours, you will be the one petrified along with your sister, who I will personally capture myself." Belos slams his staff again, encasing Kiki and Aldor as well "And you two. You are also to blame for this insolence. Mr. Blight, you hosted dinner for my daughter tonight and you failed miserably. You and your wife are to blame for this matter, as much as Lilith. If I heard correctly, your daughter has also been kidnapped by the owl lady, so that gives you motivation. As for you Kiki, you were blinded by your ego that you didn't account for Steve's irrational behavior. He is now your responsibility. I want you to bring in the traitorous guard, and punish him accordingly. Do I make myself clear to the three of you?" The three witches nod in terror "Good. Now find my daughter, and arrest the two criminals! I want them petrified by the end of the day!"

Emperor Belos folds his staff away and drops the three ranking members. They all bow and walk out in silence. Kiki was shaking due to the fact that Belos has never threatened her. Aldor was sweating, due to the fact his daughter is missing and his life and his wife's lives are at stake. And Lilith is having a full-on anxiety attack. It's either her or Eda.

"Congratulations Mr. Blight. You finally got the emperor's attention. How does it feel." Kiki says with an eye roll, antagonizing Aldor.

Aldor grits his teeth and shows his fangs "At least I'm not a glorified butler. How's that going Kiki?"

Lilith turns and looks them dead in the eyes "Listen you two. It's obvious we all are not the closest, and we're all in a bit of a situation right now, so let's put our heads together and bring the two girls back!"

Aldor agrees with Lilith, but Kikimora felt the need to interject "Oh Lilith, you've seen to have forgotten about a tiny detail. Your sister and Steve. Not only do we have to rescue two children, but we also have to arrest two of your closest allies. I hope that won't get in the way of anything." Kiki looks at Lilith, out of the corner of her eye, knowing she's hitting a nerve in the coven leader.

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