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Sorry for the late update. High School is hectic and I have a lot of work. Get ready for sporadic updates! I'm not going to update as often, so this is just a disclaimer! 

And writer's block is a killa!




Amity shuffles in her seat, continuously tapping her finger against her desk, waiting for the scream to sound in the halls signaling the end of her lecture. She glances at the empty seat next to her, wondering what Luz is doing lately to keep her so busy. The young Blight, stares at the chair, imagining the human's eyes shining in the light from the windows. A smile creeps up on the witch's face, hoping to gaze in those chestnut brown eyes once again. Amity looks back at her teacher, but her mind wonders what Luz could possibly be doing to keep her for so long? It's not like the human to not even text about her day. The witch glances back at the seat, wondering if Luz was ghosting her, or if something was wrong.

"Amity." The teacher calls out the Blight's name, grabbing her immediate attention "Could you tell me what an abomination lacks? One example will do."

Amity sighs in relief, knowing the answer to the simple question "It lacks emotion, and the ability to think for itself. It has no free will, so it will do anything the spell caster commands it to do with no hesitation."

The teacher smirks and turns back to the blackboard to write down the witch's answer "Very well put Miss. Blight. Correct as always."

The teacher continues his lesson, writing down useless notes while the green-haired witch looks back at the empty seat. She sighs, knowing Luz would have given her the biggest smile because she got the answer right. Luz would always smile at the witch, making any day brighter with her beauty and goofiness. Finally, after a long boring class, the bell screams throughout the school, dismissing the students from their last class of the day. The Blight gathers her belongings and heads to her locker to grab the rest of her books to go home.

While she walks alone to her locker, a pink-haired figure appears to her side, striking up a conversation "Do you think my Pensta follower's really appreciate my selfies? Sometimes I feel like my pictures are too good to share with everyone." Boscha walks by the Blight's side while her head is buried in her scroll. Amity rolls her eyes at her friend's vanity "Oh, and are you coming to my Grudgby game tonight? It's the semi-finals and I want to show you how much you're missing out on since you quit." 

"I'm not sure. I have to see what's going on. My mother and father have been on edge these past two weeks for some reason. Plus, I haven't seen or heard from Luz since our date either, which was also two weeks ago!" Amity's gaze falls to her feet while Boscha continues to walk beside her, this time her gaze leaving her scroll and looking at her friend confused. "I'm starting to think something's wrong at the castle, and my parents aren't telling me about it."

The two reach the green-haired witch's locker "So you're telling me, Luz finally asked you out and to be her girlfriend, only to just disappear?" Boscha staches her scroll away now giving Amity her full attention. "I'm sure Luz is just busy with empress stuff. Trust me that human is like, head over heels for you. What I don't understand is why she hasn't at least texted or called."

Amity grabs more books from her locker "I know! Our date was magical. Like it was out of a book. At least, I thought it was perfect... Maybe Luz didn't feel the same way. Or maybe Luz is in trouble? Probably not, either Lilith or the Owl Lady would make a big deal out of it by now." Amity summons an abomination and commands it to carry her books for her, then she closes the mouth of her locker and turns back her attention to the pink-haired witch "I don't know. Do you think I'm just overreacting?"

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